匿名2024年9月13日 9:54イチョウには長く生きるほかにもう一つ特徴的な個性があります。それは雌雄が分かれているということです。
寺敷地内で木が倒れ、電線に接触 東京・世田谷区
9/13(金) 14:45配信
13日午前、東京・世田谷区の寺の敷地内の木が倒れ、電線に接触する事故があり、撤去作業が行われています。 警視庁によりますと、13日午前11時半ごろ、世田谷区奥沢で「大木が倒れかかっている」と通報がありました。 木は浄真寺の敷地から、車道に向かって倒れかかり、電線に接触しているということです。 この影響で、現在も交通整理や倒れた木の撤去作業が行われています。 この倒木によるケガ人はいないということです。 現場は、東急大井町線の九品仏駅から200メートルほどの距離にある住宅街で、警視庁などが木が倒れた原因を調べています。
墓地・碑加藤家墓 加藤楸邨句碑
連鎖的に枝が折れたか ギンナンの影響も? イチョウ下敷き死亡事故
9/13(金) 16:50配信
東京都日野市にある緑地の歩道で12日夜、落下したイチョウの枝の下敷きになった30代の男性が死亡した。枝はなぜ、折れたのか。現場を訪れた、全国の樹木医でつくる日本樹木医会の小林明理事(72)に聞いた。Q 現場を見た第一印象は?A こういうことがあるのか、と樹木医としての認識を新たにした。枝の折れ方が普通ではない。まず木の高い所にある枝が折れて落ち、下の枝を巻き込みながら、加速度的に重さを増していったとみられる。連鎖的に枝が折れた珍しいケースだと思う。時間にしたら、1、2秒ほどのことだったのではないだろうか。Q 最初に枝が折れた原因として、どんなことが考えられますか?A 折れたのは雌のイチョウの木。ちょうど今はギンナンが大きく実る時期で、花がたくさんついて受粉しやすい木の上の方にギンナンはできやすい。さらに、枝が長く伸びていた。そのため、風に揺られることで、ギンナンの重みで、目に見えない小さなひびが枝にでき、それが蓄積されていたのではないか。Q イチョウに限らず、我々の周りにはたくさんの木があります。どんなことに注意をすればよいのでしょうか。A 長く伸びて、下に垂れ下がっているような枝には気を付ける必要がある。また、葉の数が少なかったり、押すと揺れたりする木も同様だ。異変を察知したら樹木の管理者に連絡し、二度とこうしたことが起こらないような取り組みが大切だ。(岡田昇)
まもなく旬の秋の味覚「ギンナン」 イチョウには「オスの木」と「メスの木」がある⁉ 驚きの生態を果樹園に聞いた
2020年9月18日 金曜 午後3:32
紅葉はまだ先になりますが、ギンナンは収穫の時期を迎えています。そして、収穫が終わる頃からイチョウの葉は黄色く色づき始めます。東京・三鷹市 山本果樹園
勝手に受粉? イチョウ驚きの生態
極黒のブリュンヒルデ@18 & パラレルパラダイス@24 LoL
『パラレルパラダイス』(PARALLEL PARADISE) は、岡本倫による日本の漫画作品。『週刊ヤングマガジン』(講談社)にて、2017年16号から連載中[1]。2024年5月時点で累計部数は450万部を突破している[2]。
本当はWaiting on a 「イ禾女」だったのを「イ禾朱」にすり替えたのが儒教カルト内キムチ朱子学サマナ。LoL
カヤ(榧[4]、学名: Torreya nucifera) は、イチイ科カヤ属の常緑針葉樹である。山地に生える。材は最高級の碁盤、種子は食用油などの原料に利用される。
同属にシナガヤ Torreya grandis、アメリカガヤ Torreya californica などがある。
常緑針葉樹の高木[6]。雌雄異株で[6]、幹は直立し樹高は25メートル(m)、周囲は2 mほどに[7]、樹冠は幅の広い円錐形になる。成長は極めて遅いが寿命は長い。耐陰性が強く樹林内部であまり日の当たらないところでも育つことができる。
属の学名 Torreya はアメリカ合衆国の植物学者John Torrey(1796〜1873年)に因み、種小名 nucifera は「堅果を持った」の意味。
John Torrey (August 15, 1796 – March 10, 1873) was an American botanist, chemist, and physician. Throughout much of his career, he was a teacher of chemistry, often at multiple universities, while he also pursued botanical work,[1] focusing on the flora of North America. His most renowned works include studies of the New York flora, the Mexican Boundary, the Pacific railroad surveys, and the uncompleted Flora of North America.
Torrey was born in New York City in 1796, the second child of Capt. William and Margaret (née Nichols) Torrey.[2] He showed a fondness for mechanics, and at one time planned to become a machinist.[3] When he was 15 or 16, his father received an appointment to the state prison at Greenwich Village, New York, where he was tutored by Amos Eaton, then a prisoner and later a pioneer of natural history studies in America. He thus learned the elements of botany and something of mineralogy and chemistry. In 1815 he began studying medicine with Wright Post, and qualified in 1818. He opened a medical practice in New York City, while devoting his leisure to botany and other scientific pursuits.[3]
In 1817, he became one of the founders of the New York Lyceum of Natural History (now the New York Academy of Science), and one of his first contributions to this body was his Catalogue of Plants growing spontaneously within Thirty Miles of the City of New York (Albany, 1819). Its publication gained for him the recognition of foreign and native botanists. In 1824 he issued the only volume of his Flora of the Northern and Middle States.[3] This used John Lindley's system of classifying flora, a way of classifying that was not commonly used in the United States.
He found the medical profession uncongenial, and on August 5, 1824, he entered the United States Army as an assistant surgeon and became acting professor of chemistry and geology at West Point military academy. Three years later, he became professor of chemistry and botany in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York (the medical school of Columbia University), where he stayed until 1855, when he was made professor emeritus. He was also professor of chemistry at Princeton 1830–1854, and of chemistry, mineralogy, and botany at the University of the City of New York 1832/3. He resigned from his Army position on August 31, 1828.[3] In 1835, he was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society.[4]
In 1836 he was appointed botanist to the state of New York and produced his Flora of that state in 1843; while from 1838 to 1843 he carried on the publication of the earlier portions of Flora of North America, with the assistance of his pupil, Asa Gray.[5] From 1853 he was chief assayer to the United States assay office in New York City when that office was established, but he continued to take an interest in botanical teaching until his death. He was frequently consulted by the treasury department on matters pertaining to the coinage and currency, and was sent on special missions at various times to visit the different mints. He was elected an Associate Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1856.[3][6]
In 1856, Torrey was chosen a trustee of Columbia College, and in 1860, having presented the college with his herbarium, numbering about 50,000 specimens, he was made emeritus professor of chemistry and botany. On the consolidation of the College of Physicians and Surgeons with Columbia in 1860, he was chosen one of its trustees. His advice was frequently sought on scientific subjects by various corporations.[3]
He was the first president of the Torrey Botanical Club in 1873. Besides being the last surviving charter member of the Lyceum of Natural History, he held its vice presidency for several years, and was president in 1824–26 and 1838, holding the same office in the American Association for the Advancement of Science in 1855, and he was one of the original members of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, being named as such by act of the United States Congress in 1863. The degree of A.M. was conferred on him by Yale in 1823, and that of LL.D. by Amherst in 1845.[3]
Torrey died at his home in New York City on March 10, 1873; he was buried in the family plot at
Long Hill Cemetery, Stirling, New Jersey.[2]
Private life
Torrey married Eliza Shaw on April 20, 1824; they had three daughters and a son, Herbert, who became United States Assayer.[2]
Torrey's earliest publications in the American Journal of Science are on mineralogy. In 1820, he undertook the examination of the plants that had been collected around the headwaters of the Mississippi by David B. Douglass. During the same year, he received the collections made by Edwin James while with the expedition that was sent out to the Rocky Mountains under Major Stephen H. Long. His report was the earliest treatise of its kind in the United States that was arranged on the natural system. Torrey, in the meantime, had planned A Flora of the Northern and Middle United States, or a Systematic Arrangement and Description of all the Plants heretofore discovered in the United States North of Virginia, and in 1824 began its publication in parts, but it was soon suspended owing to the general adoption of the natural system of Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in place of that of Carl Linnaeus. In 1836, on the organization of the geological survey of New York, he was appointed botanist, and required to prepare a flora of the state. His report, consisting of two quarto volumes, was issued in 1843, and was for a long time the most comprehensive for any state in the United States. In 1838, he began with Asa Gray The Flora of North America, which was issued in numbers irregularly until 1843, when they had completed the Compositae, but new botanical material accumulated at such a rapid rate that it was deemed best to discontinue it.[3]
Subsequently, Torrey published reports on the plants that were collected by John C. Frémont in the expedition to the Rocky Mountains (1845), those gathered by Major William H. Emory on his reconnaissance from Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, to San Diego, California (1848), the specimens secured by Captain Howard Stansbury on his expedition to the Great Salt Lake of Utah (1852), the plants collected by John C. Frémont in California (1853), those brought back from the Red River of Louisiana by Captain Randolph B. Marcy (1853), and the botany of Captain Lorenzo Sitgreaves's expedition to the Zuni and Colorado Rivers (1854), also memoirs on the botany of the various expeditions for the purpose of determining the most practicable route for a Pacific Railroad (1855–1860).[3]
He reported on the Botany of the Mexican Boundary Survey (1859), that of the expedition upon the Colorado River under Lieutenant Joseph C. Ives (1861), and, in association with Asa Gray, the botanical collections of the Wilkes exploring expedition. The last was in his hands at the time of his death, its publication having been delayed by the Civil War.[3]
His bibliography is extensive, including contributions on botanical subjects to scientific periodicals and to the transactions of the societies of which he was a member.[3]
Plant taxa named by Torrey
Main page: Category: Taxa named by John Torrey
The standard author abbreviation Torr. is used to indicate this person as the author when citing a botanical name.[7]
Torrey's name is commemorated in the small coniferous genus Torreya, found in North America, China and Japan. Some species within this genus include:T. taxifolia, a native of Florida, is known as the Florida torreya [8] or stinking-cedar.[9]
T. californica, also known as California nutmeg[10] or California torreya (although not closely related to true nutmeg).
T. nucifera, a coniferous tree native to southern Japan and to South Korea's Jeju Island
T. grandis, a conifer endemic to eastern and south-eastern China.
P. torreyana an endangered species from southern California, is also named after the botanist. Torrey first described the carnivorous plant Darlingtonia californica, which he named after his friend Dr. William Darlington.[11] Torrey Canyon in Ventura County, California,[3] was named for him, as was Torreys Peak in Colorado, near Grays Peak, named after his pupil and friend Asa Gray.[12]
A bronze bas-relief portrait of Torrey is mounted in the main building of the Lamont–Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University, a former site of Dr. Torrey's summer home.[13] A similar portrait is owned by the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. In 2017, the Torrey Botanical Society, started by colleagues of John Torrey, celebrated its 150th birthday. It is the oldest botanical society in the Americas.
Torreys Peak, a fourteen thousand foot mountain in Colorado, was named for Torrey.
Torreys Peak is a mountain in the Front Range region of the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. It is one of 53 fourteeners in Colorado. Its nearest major city is Denver. Torreys Peak is located along the Continental Divide, as well as the division between Clear Creek County and Summit County. In the Arapaho language Torrey's Peak and the adjacent Gray's Peak are named, Heeniiyoowuu or "Ant Hills".[6]
Edwin P. James (August 27, 1797 – October 28, 1861), a 19th-century American botanist, geologist, linguist, and medical practitioner, was an important figure in the early exploration of the American West. James was also known for his time spent creating relationships with Native Americans in the United States, and also aiding African Americans to escape slavery.
James is primarily remembered for his participation in the expedition of 1820 led by Major Stephen Harriman Long, into still largely unknown territory acquired in the Louisiana Purchase. James served during the expedition's more productive second year. That expedition "was the first scientific survey of the region and dramatically increased the country’s geographical knowledge of the West."[1] James was primarily responsible for producing the report, Account of an Expedition from Pittsburgh to the Rocky Mountains, Performed in the Years 1819, 1820, published in 1823.
著名なカヤ. 万正寺の大カヤ(福島県伊達郡桑折町万正寺大榧) - 福島県指定天然記念物。幹周8.7 m、樹高16 m、樹齢300年以上。直径30 mを誇る樹冠は、日本国内最大級[15]。
西平のカヤ(埼玉県比企郡ときがわ町西平) - 埼玉県指定天然記念物。幹周6.6 m、樹高16 m、樹齢1000年[16][17]。
よく似た樹木にイヌガヤ(学名: Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. harringtonia)がある。イヌガヤはイチイ科イヌガヤ属で、カヤとは属が異なり、葉を握りしめても痛くはなく、種子も食べられるがカヤほどおいしくはない[7]。
田中潔『知っておきたい100の木:日本の暮らしを支える樹木たち』主婦の友社〈主婦の友ベストBOOKS〉、2011年7月31日、44 - 45頁。ISBN 978-4-07-278497-6。
株式会社主婦の友社(しゅふのともしゃ、英: SHUFUNOTOMO Co., Ltd.)は、日本の出版社。カルチュア・エンタテインメントの子会社、カルチュア・コンビニエンス・クラブの持分法適用会社[2]。出版社記号は「07」。
さて、いまどき、榧の油の天ぷらをいただけるのは、神田とか天神とかそこいら 神田のは、ごま油にちょっと混ぜるだけらしいが、天神のは、どうなのか知らん
榧 → 榧寺 → お初地蔵 → お初児童劇団 → 当時7歳だった座長、玉川スミ
返信削除「活動期間 1922年 - 2012年 」
「1971年、文化庁芸術祭賞優秀賞を受賞し、1991年には勲五等宝冠章を受章 」
榧は900年、 榧寺ゆかりの元子役は芸歴90年、、、