




Sanofi S.A. is a French multinational pharmaceutical and healthcare company headquartered in Paris, France. The corporation was established in 1973 and merged with Synthélabo in 1999 to form Sanofi-Synthélabo. In 2004, Sanofi-Synthélabo merged with Aventis and renamed to Sanofi-Aventis, which were each the product of several previous mergers. It changed its name back to Sanofi in May 2011. The company is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index.[2] In 2023, the company’s seat in Forbes Global 2000 was 89.[3]

Sanofi engages in the research and development, manufacturing, and marketing of pharmacological products, principally in the prescription market, but the firm also develops over-the-counter medications. The corporation covers seven major therapeutic areas: cardiovascularcentral nervous systemdiabetesinternal medicineoncologythrombosis, and vaccines (it is the world's largest producer of the last through its subsidiary Sanofi Pasteur).[4]

ウクライナ国内15か所にアメリカのパスツール系ウイルス研究 ...
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Institution Manager Sanofi Pasteur Ukraine. Kyiv, Ukraine 09/29/2021. Close ... com Dassault. site://tokumei10.blogspot.com Dassault. site://tokumei10 ...

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Jan 28, 2023 — 2021/11/14 — ... in weapons' exports in the 2015-2019 period from five years prior is largely thanks to two companies: Dassault Aviation and ...

グレン・デブリース@仏ダッソー・システムズとメディデータ・ ...
http://tokumei10.blogspot.com › b...

While U.S. giants Amazon, Microsoft and Alphabet's Google dominate data storage worldwide, Dassault Systemes has been developing its cloud capacities after ...





ダッソー、ダッソール(仏:d'assault、Dassault)とは、フランス語で「突撃の」等を意味する。転じて、以下の事も表す。 d'assault. シャー・ダッソー(char ...
dassault意味や使い方 人名苗字 ダッソー - 約1555万語ある英和辞典・和英辞典。発音・イディオムも分かる英語辞書。
ダッソー・システムズとは? ダッソー・システムズ(Dassault Systèmes)は、フランスの複合企業体「グループ・ダッソー(Groupe Dassault)」に属するソフトウェア会社




Here’s what’s behind France’s 72% jump in weapons exports

PARIS – France’s spectacular 72 percent jump in weapons’ exports in the 2015-2019 period from five years prior is largely thanks to two companies: Dassault Aviation and Naval Group.



強制的世界平和計画 Operation Variolae Vaccinae

Why the word ‘vaccine’ is probably all wrong

In 1796, English physician Edward Jenner infected a young boy with cowpox. Later, when he injected the child with the deadly smallpox virus, he did not get sick. And thus, the first vaccine was born, saving millions of lives and immortalizing cows in public health. (The word vaccine is derived from the Latin word vacca for “cow.”) Or so the legend goes. But the story is probably wrong, according to a report published today in The New England Journal of Medicine. That’s because the vaccine used to prevent smallpox was likely horsepox, not cowpox, researchers say. The latest bit of evidence comes from the historic containers above, which held a smallpox vaccine manufactured by the Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, company H. K. Mulford in 1902. Although the vaccine was manufactured more than a century after Jenner’s breakthrough, it’s the oldest vaccine strain analyzed so far. When scientists sequenced its DNA, they found it most closely resembled the genome of horsepox. Jenner himself wrote that he used material from both cows and horses in his experiments, and the new finding suggests that it may be horses, not cows, we have to thank for the world’s first vaccine. Or perhaps we should say equusine




Ancient Greece

Worship in ancient Greek religion typically consisted of sacrificing domestic animals at the altar with hymn and prayer. The altar was outside any temple building, and might not be associated with a temple at all. The animal, which should be perfect of its kind, is decorated with garlands and the like, and led in procession to the altar, a girl with a basket on her head containing the concealed knife leading the way. After various rituals the animal is slaughtered over the altar, as it falls all the women present "must cry out in high, shrill tones". Its blood is collected and poured over the altar. It is butchered on the spot and various internal organs, bones and other inedible parts burnt as the deity's portion of the offering, while the meat is removed to be prepared for the participants to eat; the leading figures tasting it on the spot. The temple usually kept the skin, to sell to tanners. That the humans got more use from the sacrifice than the deity had not escaped the Greeks, and is often the subject of humour in Greek comedy.[10]

The animals used are, in order of preference, bull or ox, cow, sheep (the most common), goat, pig (with piglet the cheapest mammal), and poultry (but rarely other birds or fish).[11] Horses and asses are seen on some vases in the Geometric style (900–750 BCE), but are very rarely mentioned in literature; they were relatively late introductions to Greece, and it has been suggested that Greek preferences in this matter go very far back. The Greeks liked to believe that the animal was glad to be sacrificed, and interpreted various behaviours as showing this. Divination by examining parts of the sacrificed animal was much less important than in Roman or Etruscan religion, or Near Eastern religions, but was practiced, especially of the liver, and as part of the cult of Apollo. Generally, the Greeks put more faith in observing the behaviour of birds.[12] For a smaller and simpler offering, a grain of incense could be thrown on the sacred fire,[13] and outside the cities farmers made simple sacrificial gifts of plant produce as the "first fruits" were harvested.[14] Although the grand form of sacrifice called the hecatomb (meaning 100 bulls) might in practice only involve a dozen or so, at large festivals the number of cattle sacrificed could run into the hundreds, and the numbers feasting on them well into the thousands. The enormous Hellenistic structures of the Altar of Hieron and Pergamon Altar were built for such occasions.

 The evidence of the existence of such practices is clear in some ancient Greek literature, especially in Homer's epics. Throughout the poems, the use of the ritual is apparent at banquets where meat is served, in times of danger or before some important endeavor to gain the favor of the gods. For example, in Homer's Odyssey Eumaeus sacrifices a pig with prayer for his unrecognizable master Odysseus. However, in Homer's Iliad, which partly reflects very early Greek civilization, not every banquet of the princes begins with a sacrifice.[15]

These sacrificial practices, described in these pre-Homeric eras, share commonalities to the 8th century forms of sacrificial rituals. Furthermore, throughout the poem, special banquets are held whenever gods indicated their presence by some sign or success in war. Before setting out for Troy, this type of animal sacrifice is offered. Odysseus offers Zeus a sacrificial ram in vain. The occasions of sacrifice in Homer's epic poems may shed some light onto the view of the gods as members of society, rather than as external entities, indicating social ties. Sacrificial rituals played a major role in forming the relationship between humans and the divine.[16]

It has been suggested that the Chthonic deities, distinguished from Olympic deities by typically being offered the holocaust mode of sacrifice, where the offering is wholly burnt, may be remnants of the native Pre-Hellenic religion and that many of the Olympian deities may come from the Proto-Greeks who overran the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula in the late third millennium BCE.[17]

In the Hellenistic period after the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BCE, several new philosophical movements began to question the ethics of animal sacrifice.[18]




Hello my friend, we meet again. It's been a while where should we begin...Feels like forever

 Remember Me?


Where's my Red Heifer Sukiyaki ? SEBASTIAN?


強制的世界平和計画 Operation Variolae Vaccinae

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 痛みを伴う強制的世界平和

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 痛みを伴う強制的世界平和

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 痛みを伴う強制的世界平和

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com サクリファイス

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com サクリファイス

site://tokumei10.blogspot.com サクリファイス




12 件のコメント:

  1. 人身御供ってやつですか…w

    1. サバトとか追儺とか、人身御供を今までやってた人たち、大変でしょうねw


  2. 何が幸せなのか

  3. ナゾロジー@科学ニュースメディア (@NazologyInfo) posted at 6:02 PM on Sun, Jul 28, 2024:

    2021年、中央アフリカ・ガボン共和国でゴリラと共生していたチンパンジーがゴリラを襲撃し群れの子どもを殺害。これ以前に同様の例はなく、チンパンジーに異変が起きている可能性も。 https://t.co/dxc6XCZjp3

  4. Z 『E U』 S 

  5. 講談社FRIDAY








  6. >人間以外はいくらSacrificeしても貢ぎ物としての価値はゼロです
    怖すぎですよ 確かに人が一番効くのでしょうが…

  7. ウクライナのバイオラボは、プーチンがどの程度お掃除したんでしょうか?

  8. ダッソーのソフトウェアは、製造業にとってなくてはならない必須品。


  9. 団長が釘刺したって事は


  10. 各種の勇者諸氏は既に供物になっているわけですから…生きたままに…
