
JoelとChrist Hodgson@Toowoomba@Queensland



「Total Eclipse of the Heart」and「The Logical Song」と言う名のマジカルタイムカプセル







Important!重要事項!WARNING17 読者の皆様へ




OSHO's SannyaSINs are Sinners、いわゆる侵略的宇宙知的生命体






NSW premier jets back to Sydney from Japan
NSW Premier Chris Minns is flying back to Sydney from a family holiday in Japan.
'This is a terrible, violent crime and my heart goes out to those that have lost loved ones,' Mr Minns said.
'It’s a truly shocking day in the state’s history.'
He has been briefed by NSW Police Commissioner Karen Webb.
'I can understand that people will be grieving and very angry for the next few days, but we will recover, we’ll be strong,' Mr Minns said.
'In the midst of a violent, wicked crime, we’ve seen some examples of exemplary courage from the public and, in particular, NSW Police.'

About 17 people were stabbed in the rampage, and 12 were taken to hospital on Saturday. Three more people presented to hospital overnight, including a couple with minor injuries.
Grim aftermath of horrific stabbing: Emergency services wheel out bodies of victims
Paramedics were seen wheeling bodies out of the shopping centre after Joel Cauchi, 40, carried out the attack.

Seventeen shoppers were injured - six of whom were killed.


Joel Cauchi's 'very religious' parents emerge from the Bondi Junction killer's childhood home after breaking their silence on the massacre - as neighbours speak about the knifeman and his last visit to the propertyJoel Cauchi's elderly parents had not seen him in months
They described his actions as 'truly horrific' on Sunday

READ MORE: Fifth victim in stabbing massacre identified


PUBLISHED: 11:52 EDT, 14 April 2024 | UPDATED: 12:07 EDT, 14 April 2024

The 'very religious' parents of the killer responsible for the Bondi Junction Westfield shopping centre massacre emerged from their Queensland home on Sunday evening after breaking their silence on the horrific stabbing spree.
Andrew and Michele Cauchi, both in their 70s, declined to speak with media after earlier describing their son Joel Cauchi's murderous rampage as 'truly horrific'.
A neighbour who has lived on the street for more than 30 years visited Mrs Cauchi for about an hour, while a man believed to be a family member was also at the house helping Mr Cauchi with his pigeon coops.
The Cauchis have lived in the Toowoomba suburb of Rockville for 46 years, and last saw their son just a few short months ago when the 40-year-old came for Christmas, but according to neighbours he did not show his face outside during the visit.

One neighbour, Carol, told Daily Mail Australia that Andrew had said Joel was due back home this week to help him reduce the number of pigeons he keeps in aviaries at the back of the property, after he received noise and odour complaints.

'We are in contact with both the New South Wales Police Force and Queensland Police Service and have no issues with the Police Officer who shot our son as she was only doing her job to protect others and we hope she is coping alright.'
Carol and another neighbour said Andrew Cauchi is 'very religious' and had worshipped at a number of Toowoomba churches since parting ways with the Catholic faith after expressing his disgust with priests sexually assaulting children.
'He loves those birds. He often takes his shirt off and lies on his back and looks up at the sky while waving around a stick which makes the pigeons stir up and fly about,' one neighbour said.
Mr Cauchi often referred to son Joel as 'a backpacker who travels to Melbourne'.
Carol said: 'He told me that his son was a well-behaved boy who got a bus pass so he could travel around.
'At one point the son came back home with some other backpackers to help weed the yard. Andrew just loves gardening.'
It is unclear whether Mr and Mrs Cauchi knew of their son's double-life as a male escort.
Cauchi offered his sexual services online as recently as mid 2023, describing himself as 'athletic [and] good looking'.

He offered 'closed door' services to both men and women, among other options too graphic to publish.
On Sunday, Queensland Police Assistant Commissioner Roger Lowe said police had learned of Cauchi's dire living arrangements from his family.
In recent weeks the 40-year-old had been sleeping in a car or at a backpacker's hostel.
Although he was not in regular contact with his parents, he did 'text his mother with an update as to where he was', Assistant Commissioner Lowe said.

On Sunday night, the neighbour who visited Mrs Cauchi said 'have a bit of compassion' to the media when she left.
Five of victims killed in the horrific stabbing rampage have been identified so far.
They include bride-to-be Dawn Singleton, 25, architect Jade Young, 47, security guard Faraz Tahir, 30 and artist Pikria Darchia, 55.
Mother-of-one Ashlee Good, 38, died in hospital from her injuries after trying to save her nine-month-old child who had also been stabbed.

The little girl is currently in intensive care. Two other stabbing victims are fighting for life in critical condition, while around a dozen were left injured by Cauchi's rampage.
One more female victim, who is believed to be from overseas, has not yet been identified.


Christopher Pemberton Hodgson (1821–1865) was an English colonial pastoralist, traveller and writer.
He was the son of Edward Hodgson, vicar of Rickmansworth, and his third wife Charlotte Pemberton.[1][2]
Hodgson emigrated from England to New South Wales in 1840. He remained in Australia for five years, and accompanied several exploring expeditions into the interior.[3] He observed the grass burning on the Darling Downs.[4] After a short stay in England he travelled through Egypt and Abyssinia, made two journeys to Arabia, and visited Ceylon.[3]
From 15 October 1851 to 17 March 1855 Hodgson acted as unpaid vice-consul at Pau, in south-west France, where he interested himself in local history and antiquities. He subsequently was appointed vice-consul at Caen, where he remained for two years.[3]

On 18 June 1859 Hodgson became officiating consul at Nagasaki, Japan. In October of that year he moved to Hakodate, where he had charge of French as well as English interests. He remained in Japan till March 1861.
Hodgson then resided mainly at Pau, where he died on 11 October 1865.[3]
Conflict with Aboriginals in Australia

Christopher Hodgson, together with his brother Arthur Hodgson, squatted the second British pastoral run on the Darling Downs in what is now known as south-eastern Queensland.[5] They named this property Eton Vale after Eton College, the illustrious school they both attended in England. In his 1846 publication, Reminiscences of Australia with Hints on the Squatters' Life, Hodgson describes the conflict involved in the taking of land ownership from Aboriginal Australians. The land of grassy plains they marked out was in the possession of the Barunggam people and Hodgson recorded in some detail his "constant skirmishes with the natives" to wrest control of the area.[6]

Hodgson writes that in retaliation to the 35 white men who were killed by Aboriginals in the Darling Downs district in the four years he was there, "so many hundreds of these poor creatures have been sacrificed" in return. He regularly admits having an active role in the killings and being "their enemy and for 3 years, a bitter one". Hodgson describes his head station house as being decorated with "swords, guns and..all around are displayed spears, boomerangs..dillies and calabashes, the spoil of a hard fought battle or a surprised camp of natives."[7] He had insights on the correctness of this process but was adamant in the divine right of the British to take the land from the savage and any attempts to understand the indigenous population were in vain. He asked of the reader, "who would not rather put a ball in their hearts to rid themselves of their ceremonials and presence at once?"[8]

Various methods of conflict on both sides are recounted in the book. When searching for Aboriginals they deemed in need of punishment, Hodgson and his party of vigilantes would go to high ground and discover the location of the natives from the rising smoke of their evening campfires. They would travel discreetly to a nearer proximity to the camp and then attack early in the morning. In other punitive missions, Hodgson would "generally employ our [black] boys from distant tribes to act as trackers" to locate defiant Aboriginals. Sometimes a prisoner was taken and "ordered to conduct us to his own camp on risk of his life," and once at this camp, "we rushed to attack it and we had, notwithstanding, ample revenge." Hodgson even describes how the Aboriginals would try to recover "the corpses of those who had fallen victims to the white man's gun in defiance of a sentry on the lookout to give notice of such a visit." Those Barunggam who were at peace with the Hodgson brothers, were kept in line with methods such as the taking of young boys from the tribe as hostages.[9] The Barunggam, lacking European weapons of war, would deploy other tactics to exploit known weaknesses of the British. Hodgson relates, "when at war with the white man, the [native women] were always pushed forward and sent to reconnoitre; the men knowing that we have a sincere respect for the sex." This respect included knowing that the trade for the services of a native woman was a tomahawk.[10]
Towards the end of his book, Hodgson postulates that "if England recognises [the natives] as human beings, she will exert herself to amend their situation, otherwise they must be shot, if she considers them, as many do, a species of simia acaudata or tail-less monkey, of course they will be hunted down and exterminated."

Hodgson wrote the following, all published in London:[3][12]Reminiscences of Australia, with Hints on the Squatters' Life (1846)[13]
El Ydaiour: a Book of Eastern Travel (1849)[14]
The Wanderer and other Poems (1849), verse
Pyrenaica; a History of the Viscounts of Béarn to the Death of Henry IV, with a Life of that Monarch (1855)
A Residence at Nagasaki and Hakodate in 1859–1861, with an Account of Japan generally (1861), dedicated to Joseph Hooker, who wrote an appendix on Japanese plants.[15]
Hodgson was married, and his wife had letters in Residence at Nagasaki and Hakodate.[1]
Hodgson Creek and Hodgson Vale near Toowoomba are named after Christopher and Arthur Hodgson.

 Toowoomba (/təˈwʊmbə/ tə-WUUM-bə, nicknamed 'The Garden City' and 'T-Bar'[4]) is a city in the Darling Downs region of Queensland, Australia.[5] 





4 件のコメント:

  1. とにかく明るい

  2. Ho(d)g son 豚の子
    Do(d)g son 犬の子
    Man son 人の子

  3. あー、子=十二支の子(ね)か
    子=北、人の子=東 北東=艮
    乾と艮でV、その真ん中は子、つまり ψ であり
    "☮" の逆さ=平和でなく剣であり、三本足だと

  4. Toowoomba has sister city relations with three international cities: Whanganui, New Zealand; Takatsuki, Japan; and Paju, South Korea.



    観光地として臨津閣・烏頭山統一展望台・南侵第3トンネルなどがあるほか、民統線以北の板門店や自由の村なども市域に含まれる。かつては在韓米軍と韓国軍の基地に依存した地域で、ヨンジュコル(용주골、en:Yong Ju Gol)は兵士相手の歓楽街・風俗街である。21世紀に入り、大韓サッカー協会の坡州トレーニングセンター、英語教育施設である坡州英語村、ギャラリーや美術館や芸術家のアトリエが集積するヘイリ芸術村、出版業者が集積する「坡州出版都市」など、文化・スポーツ施設が土地が広く緑の多い当地に集まりつつある。

