

"Red Right Hand" is a song by Australian rock band Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds. It was released as a single from their eighth studio album, Let Love In (1994), on 24 October 1994. A condensed version was included in the single, while the longer version was included with the album. The title comes from John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost (1667), in which it refers to the vengeful hand of God.

The song has become one of Nick Cave's signature songs, being performed at most of his concerts; only "The Mercy Seat" has appeared in more of his live sets since 1984.[5] It has since become best known for its use in the Scream film series and later as the theme song to the British period crime drama TV series Peaky Blinders, which resulted in the song receiving a re-release single in 2014. It has been covered by Arctic MonkeysPJ HarveyIggy PopJarvis Cocker and Snoop Dogg, among others.

In 2005, Cave was a guest performer on his former girlfriend Anita Lane's cover of the song.[citation needed]

The liner notes for Murder Ballads state that the phrase "red right hand" is from a line in John Milton's epic poem Paradise Lost that refers to divine vengeance. The opening song on the album, "Song of Joy," states of a murderer: "It seems he has done many, many more, / quotes John Milton on the walls in the victim's blood. / The police are investigating at tremendous cost. / In my house he wrote 'his red right hand'. / That, I'm told, is from Paradise Lost."

The aforementioned appearance in Paradise Lost (Book II, 170-174) is: "What if the breath that kindled those grim fires, / Awaked, should blow them into sevenfold rage, / And plunge us in the flames; or from above / Should intermitted vengeance arm again / His red right hand to plague us?" The term itself appears to be Milton's translation of the term "rubente dextera" in Horace's Ode I.2,2-3.


Remember you said "Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven"

Paradise Lost is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th-century English poet John Milton (1608–1674). The first version, published in 1667, consists of ten books with over ten thousand lines of verse. A second edition followed in 1674, arranged into twelve books (in the manner of Virgil's Aeneid) with minor revisions throughout.[1][2] It is considered to be Milton's masterpiece, and it helped solidify his reputation as one of the greatest English poets of all time.[3] The poem concerns the biblical story of the fall of man: the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen angel Satan and their expulsion from the Garden of Eden.

Satan, formerly called Lucifer, is the first major character introduced in the poem. He is a tragic figure who famously declares: "Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven" (1.263). Following his vain rebellion against God he is cast out from Heaven and condemned to Hell. The rebellion stems from Satan's pride and envy (5.660ff.).

失楽園(しつらくえん、英語Paradise Lost)とは、旧約聖書創世記』第3章の挿話である。に唆されたアダムとイヴが、の禁を破って「善悪の知識の木」の実である「禁断の果実」を食べ、最終的にエデンの園を追放されるというもの。楽園喪失楽園追放ともいう。


ミルトンは悪魔学の専門家ではなかったが、その当時に見られた悪魔に対する様々な説を総合した独自の解釈を作中に盛り込んだ。ミルトンによる解釈はその後のキリスト教に影響し、殊にルシファーに関する逸話に大きな影響を与えた。ミルトンの詩の中では、ルシファーはヤハウェの偉大さを知りつつも、服従よりも自由に戦って敗北することを選ぶ、一種の英雄として描かれる[注釈 1]



6 件のコメント:

  1. これで、アメリカ中の保険屋さんがお父さんになる、とか

  2. これ以上、スゥィングステートのノースキャロライナがやられると、トランプが有利になりそうなので、政権としては、なんとかミルトンさんに南よりコースを通ってほしいでしょうな


  3. 失楽園




    重要な役割を果たすのが英語訳聖書の翻訳間の異同である。本作は欽定訳聖書(King James Version / KJV bible)とアメリカ標準訳聖書(American Standard Version / ASV bible)が創世記4章7節の最後の部分で異なった訳であることを利用し、登場人物にこの部分についての新しい解釈を語らせ、大団円に向けた伏線としている。

    If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
    If thou doest well, shall it not be lifted up? and if thou doest not well, sin coucheth at the door: and unto thee shall be its desire, but do thou rule over it
    太字の部分がこれらの訳では明らかに異なった意味となっている(KJVでは「あなたは罪を治めるだろう」、ASVでは「あなたは罪を治めなければならない」)。リーはヘブライ語の聖書の文言を研究した結果、"thou shalt" や "do thou" と訳されている元のヘブライ語単語(読みをラテン文字に写すと "timshel")の本来の意味は別にあると指摘した。



  4. つまりエデンにいつまでも居座っていられたのでは、人間はいつまでたっても「選択」しようとしないので、追い出したというわけ


  5. メキでは首チョンパが起きたそうで

  6. 返済がゴリゴリ進んでますな

    テレビ朝日・三上大樹アナウンサーが38歳で死去 パリ五輪でバスケットボールなどを実況
