


『ザ・スタンド』(原題: The Stand)は、スティーヴン・キング1978年に発表したホラー小説である。1990年には、初刊の際に削除された部分を追加した「完全版」が刊行された。邦訳は、この「完全版」による。



The Stand is a post-apocalyptic dark fantasy novel written by American author Stephen King and first published in 1978 by Doubleday. The plot centers on a deadly pandemic of weaponized influenza and its aftermath, in which the few surviving humans gather into factions that are each led by a personification of either good or evil and seem fated to clash with each other. King started writing the story in February 1975,[1] seeking to create an epic in the spirit of The Lord of the Rings. The book was difficult for him to write because of the large number of characters and storylines.
In 1990, The Stand was reprinted as The Complete & Uncut Edition. King restored over 400 pages of text that had been removed from his original manuscript, revised the order of the chapters, shifted the novel's setting 10 years forward from 1980 to 1990, and accordingly corrected a number of cultural references. The Complete and Uncut Edition of The Stand is Stephen King's longest stand-alone work at 1,153 pages, surpassing It, a novel of 1,138 pages. The book became a #1 bestseller and sold 4.5 million copies.
The Stand was highly acclaimed by critics and is considered one of King's best novels. It has been included in lists of the best books of all time by Rolling Stone, Time, the Modern Library, Amazon and the BBC. A television miniseries of the same name based on the novel was broadcast on ABC in 1994. From 2008 to 2012, Marvel Comics published a series of comics written by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa and illustrated by Mike Perkins. Another miniseries debuted on CBS All Access in December 2020, and finished airing in February 2021.[2]


An extremely contagious and lethal strain of influenza, resistant to antibodies and vaccines, is developed as a biological weapon within a secret Department of Defense installation in the Mojave Desert, and is accidentally released. The book's extended edition includes a prologue detailing the development of the virus and the security breach that causes its release. The laboratory staff die, but security guard Charles Campion manages to escape and takes his family out of state. After a couple of days, his car crashes at a gas station in Arnette, Texas. The gas station employees and ambulance workers are infected when they take the dying Campion out of his car and to a hospital. The gas station owner infects his cousin, a traffic cop, and the virus rapidly spreads uncontrollably from there.

The United States Army attempts to isolate Arnette, going as far as to execute unarmed civilians, but the efforts are in vain – the virus, christened by journalists as the "superflu" or "Captain Trips", spreads across the country and travels beyond its borders, triggering a global pandemic of apocalyptic proportions. Approximately 99.4% of the world's population is infected and killed within a month. A prism of several personal tragedies describes the collapse of society, explosions of violence, the inability of the government and martial law to stop the pandemic, and the near-extinction of humanity. Many survivors of the virus also die, unable to accept the loss of their loved ones or survive in a world where they must fend for themselves.

Stuart Redman, one of the gas station employees, proves immune to the virus. He is forcibly held in a specialized center in Stovington, Vermont, in the hope that a treatment can be made. Redman escapes after the center's staff dies, and he is forced to kill one of the members in self-defense. He meets with sociology professor Glen Bateman and his Irish Setter Kojak, pregnant college student Frannie Goldsmith, and teenage outcast Harold Lauder. Larry Underwood, a disillusioned pop singer, joins the group in the wake of his mother's death. Stuart and Frannie are drawn to each other and become lovers, to Harold's disappointment and resentment.

The group share a common dream in which they see a centenarian woman living in Hemingford Home, Nebraska. The woman, Abagail Freemantle – better known as "Mother Abagail" – becomes the group's spiritual leader. She brings the group to Boulder, Colorado, to which other survivors are attracted by her telepathic appeals. New additions to the group include Nick Andros, a deaf-mute deputy from Shoyo, Arkansas; Tom Cullen, a kind-hearted, intellectually disabled man from May, Oklahoma; Nadine Cross, a teacher from New Hampshire; and Ralph Brentner, a good-natured farmer from Oklahoma. The group attempts to build a new society. They call their land the "Free Zone", organize funeral brigades and restore a supply of electricity.

Meanwhile, in Las Vegas, Randall Flagg, the dark man, possessing supernatural abilities, creates his own society from people called by his visions. The people worship Flagg as a messiah and joyfully submit to his fascist dictatorship, in which undesirables are crucified. Flagg rescues spree killer Lloyd Henreid from prison and makes him his lieutenant. A pyromaniac nicknamed "The Trashcan Man", after destroying oil tanks in Gary, Indiana and meeting a madman named "The Kid", joins Flagg's group and becomes a weapons specialist. Flagg prepares for war with Boulder.
Mother Abagail, believing she has been too prideful watching the Zone grow in size, goes into self-imposed exile. During her absence, the Free Zone's leadership committee decides to secretly send three people to Flagg's territory to act as spies. Harold and Nadine, tempted by Flagg through their dreams, stage an attack on the committee with a bomb. The explosion kills several people, including Nick, but most of the committee members avoid the explosion thanks to Mother Abagail's return. Before dying of exhaustion, Mother Abagail reports God's will – Stuart, Glen, Larry and Ralph must go to Las Vegas and destroy Flagg.
As Harold and Nadine flee, Flagg causes Harold's motorcycle to crash and he falls over the edge of a cliff, severely breaking his leg and being left to die by Nadine. As his leg turns gangrenous, he realizes the harm he has done, writes an apologetic note and commits suicide. Flagg meets Nadine in the desert, raping and impregnating her while revealing his true demonic form, an experience that leaves her semi-catatonic. The Trashcan Man has a psychotic episode and destroys Flagg's air force before Flagg can destroy Boulder. He then leaves Las Vegas to atone by finding a more powerful weapon for Flagg. When Tom's fleeting presence in Las Vegas as the sole surviving spy belatedly comes to light, Nadine takes advantage of Flagg's unsettled state to goad him into killing her and her unborn child.
Stuart breaks his leg en route and persuades the others to go on without him, telling them that God will provide for him if that is what is meant to happen. Leaving Kojak with Stu, the remaining three are soon taken prisoner by Flagg's army. When Glen refuses to grovel before Flagg, he is killed by Lloyd. Flagg gathers his entire collective to witness the execution of Ralph and Larry. Moments before they are to be killed, the Trashcan Man arrives with a retrieved nuclear warhead. Flagg conjures a magical ball of energy in an attempt to silence a dissenter, but it is transformed into a giant glowing hand — "the Hand of God" — which detonates the bomb, destroying Las Vegas and killing all of Flagg's followers, along with Larry and Ralph.
Tom finds Stu close to death, but a verbal apparition of Nick leading to a supply of antibiotics saves his life. After nursing him back to health and helping his leg heal, the two travel back to Boulder, where Frannie has given birth to her son after a caesarean section. The baby, named Peter after Frannie's late father, manages to fight off the superflu. Four months later, Stuart and Frannie decide to leave Boulder and move to Ogunquit as society is slowly reestablished. The extended edition includes an epilogue in which Flagg, having survived the nuclear explosion, wakes up somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere. Regaining his former strength, he begins recruiting adherents among a preliterate, dark-skinned people.





陰謀論 もしCOVID-19以前に既に魔改造されたウイルス流出事件が米国で発生して隠ぺいされてたとしたら・・・



陰謀論 COVID-19は隠蔽された別のあるバイオ兵器流出事故対策の一環・「ウイルスファージ」として意図的に世界中に散布されたんだよ

Apr 22, 2021 — The public's history of exposure to influenza, scientists say, may partially explain why the flu virtually disappeared while the coronavirus ...











陰謀論 もしCOVID-19以前に既に魔改造されたウイルス流出事件が米国で発生して隠ぺいされてたとしたら・・・


 Wisconsin lab broke Ebola rules, watchdog group says




11 件のコメント:

  1. 問題は、逆ギレしたバカな首謀者側が衝動的に兵器を使ってしまうこと。


  2. こりゃ宇宙からみたら

  3. とすると、逆ギレ気味で品が騒いでいた米の呆徒・出鳥苦の件は、本当だったということなんすかね。

  4. 新型コロナウイルスは、複数の強毒部位を持つが、ウイルス全体としてはさほど強毒ではない。

  5. 読者の方で、デルタ株に感染した方はおやれますか?我が家は二人とも罹ったのですが、一週間で鎮火。ただ、感染した時が常の風邪とは違い、いきなり急激な発熱があったりして、やはり魔改造ウィルスだったのだなあとしみじみ、、、いま勇者さん達の間で流行ってる風邪とか、まったく引かないですねえ、、、コロコロちゃんが常在してるからでしょうか、、、

  6. もし団長の話が本当なら、ワクチンに人口削減やトランスヒューマン的な機能を入れなくても、


    1. ワクチンの経緯や効用をご理解されてるのかつらwww


    2. そうですね。従来型とやらも含めて、お注射💉全部アウトー、なのです。団長はずいぶん前にキッパリと明言しています。

  7. パスツール研に加えて、ファウチが所長だった米感染症研究所NIAIDも怪しい
