
Fitness "Guru" Richard Simmons (76) 今年三月に右眼の下に基底細胞癌発症し切除手術成功、死亡。LoL

Simmons revealed he was diagnosed with skin cancer in an emotional Facebook post in March after discovering a 'strange looking bump' under his right eye.
After calling a dermatologist, the fitness trailblazer recalled feeling 'a little bit nervous' after the doctor looked at his mysterious bump 'through a magnifying mirror.'
'He told me he would have to scrape it and put it under the microscope,' the New Orleans native told his fans. 'He comes back about 20 minutes later and says the C word.'
He continued: 'I asked him what kind of cancer and he said. Basel Cell Carcinoma. I told him to stop calling me dirty names. He laughed.'
Simmons was then told he had to go to 'a cancer doctor right away.'
To treat the cancer, he said his doctor explained that he needed 'to burn' his 'skin to remove the cancer cells.'
'There was no numbing it just had to be done with a small instrument,' the actor detailed. 'As he started burning my skin a tear dropped down my cheek. You can’t cry during this and he wiped my tear. The burning really hurt my skin. It lasted about 30 minutes.'
Following the procedure, he was told to return in an hour and a half to see if they 'got it all out.'
'After driving around the city, I went back to some sad news,' he noted. 'I didn’t get it all out. He burned my face again. This time was worse than before...It was deeper. I did not cry this time but I did grit my teeth.'
Simmons went on to reveal in a second post that the 'third time was a charm' and they removed 'all the cancer cells out.'
'Before I left, he checked my arms, my back, my chest and my legs. I had a little Frankenstein under my right eye for a while,' he continued. 'He gave me some cream to put on it which I did religiously. Because of his fine work I don’t have a scar.'
The skin cancer announcement came just days after the reclusive star sparked fears he was dying with a worrying social media post.
He posted on X and Facebook: 'I have some news to tell you. Please don't be sad. I am …. dying. The truth is we all are dying. Every day we live we are getting closer to our death.
'Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to enjoy your life to the fullest every single day. Get up in the morning and look at the sky… count your blessings and enjoy.'
In a later post, Simmons apologized and said he was 'sorry for the confusion'.

'Sorry many of you have gotten upset about my message today. Even the press has gotten in touch with me,' the fitness celebrity wrote on a post on X. 'I am not dying.'
The media figure, who was known for his formerly outgoing personality, abruptly stopped making public appearances in 2014, and many of his fans voiced their concerns about his well-being over the following years.
However Simmons' spokesman Tom Estey provided a statement to the New York Post in 2022 and expressed that he was 'happy, healthy and living the life he has chosen to live.'



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