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Kǒng Jiǎ (孔甲) was a king of ancient China,[1] family name Sì (姒), the 14th ruler of the semi-legendary Xia dynasty. He possibly ruled for 31 years.[2]


Kong Jia was a son of King Bù Jiàng[3] and an unknown woman and grandson of King Xie of Xia.

His uncle was King Jiong of Xia and his cousin was King Jǐn.[4]

He had many beautiful concubines. He fathered Gāo and was a grandfather of King Houjin.[5]


In the Grand Historian, King Kong Jia didn't get the throne from his father, the 11th king of the Xia dynasty, because of him being superstitious and absurd. After his father died, his uncle and cousin became the 12th and 13th king of Xia kingdom. When they all died, Kong Jia finally ascended to the throne and became the 14th king of his country. He loved the supernatural, and, following his example, there were soon many so-called witches. The entire population turned to prayers and oracles instead of working.

Some years later, a celestial gave King Kong Jia two dragons; but they were torpid and ill looking. Kong Jia, in an effort to please them, had a pagoda and lake built for them, but sick they remained. At length there came a man who said he knew what to do. He had 28 men stand in the shapes of the constellations, and wave huge white flags to imitate the clouds. He set gun powder in place of thunder, and firecrackers for lightning. He also had men churn the water of the lake, so the waves leapt high.

When he gave his signal, the thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, clouds waved, and water foamed. The dragons, fancying themselves in the heavens again, jumped into the water.

However, he accidentally killed one dragon; and didn't know how to deal with the dragon's body, so he made it a delicious meal and provided to Kong Jia. After this horrible behavior was found out, this person ran away with his whole family.

The second dragon keeper was very straight-forward and displeased Kong Jia many times; so he was sentenced to death and poorly buried outside of the capital city. After this there were terrible storms and fires, which Kong Jia believed to be caused by the spirit of the dead keeper. He and his witches made many magics and prayers; but on the way home Kong Jia was so scared he actually died of fear.

After King Kong Jia departed, his son King Gao ascended to the throne.[6]

According to the Bamboo Annals, Kong Jia lived in the Xia capital of Xi River (西河).[7]

In the third year of his reign, he hunted at the Fu Mountains (萯山) in Dongyang (东阳).

He composed a song called Eastern Sound (东音), which is also called Song of Broken Axe (破斧之歌).

Kong Jia was very superstitious and all he cared about was alcohol. From his time on, the power of Xia started to decline, and the vassal kings (诸侯) of Xia grew more powerful. During his reign, he stripped power from one of the nobles, Shiwei (豕韦).[8]

See also

  • Buzhu: Legendary noble who is claimed to have served as minister of agriculture under the emperor after his father





(か、拼音: Xià、紀元前2070年[1] - 紀元前1600年[注釈 1])は、史書に記された中国最古の王朝夏后氏ともいう。夏・三代という。『史記』『竹書紀年』などの史書には、初代のから末代のまで14世17代471年間続き、湯王に滅ぼされたと記録されている。 






禹は即位後暫くの間、武器の生産を取り止め、田畑では収穫量に目を光らせ農民を苦しませず、宮殿の大増築は当面先送りし、関所や市場にかかる諸税を免除し、地方に都市を造り、煩雑な制度を廃止して行政を簡略化した。その結果、中国の内はもとより、外までも朝貢を求めて来る様になった。更に禹は河を意図的に導くなどして様々な河川を整備し、周辺の土地を耕して草木を育成し、中央と東西南北の違いを旗によって人々に示し、古のやり方も踏襲し全国を分けて九州を置いた。禹は倹約政策を取り、自ら率先して行動した。 『竹書紀年』に依れば、45年間帝であったという。即位後、皋陶に政治の補佐をさせたが、皋陶の死去に伴いによる朝政の補佐が行われた。

なお「」という漢字はもと「虫」と同じ形で、毒蛇を象った象形文字である[12][13][14]。『説文解字』では「厹 (禸)」という文字に従うと説明されているが、これは誤った分析である。「禸」の部分は初期の形にはなく、後の時代に追加された意味を持たない装飾的な筆画である[15]

Jia is a character who first appeared in the 2021 film, Godzilla vs. Kong. She is a young orphaned Iwi that was adopted by Ilene Andrews and has a kinship bond with Kong. She reappears in the 2024 film, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.

The Iwi were human tribes that inhabited the Hollow Earth and Skull Island.

Hollows (虚ホロウ, Horō) are a race of creatures which are born from Human souls who, for various reasons, do not cross over to Soul Society after their death and stay in the Human World for too long. They are corrupt spirits with supernatural powers which devour the souls of both living and deceased Humans. Hollows settle in Hueco Mundo, but can cross over to the Human World and Soul Society. Hollows are the opposite of Humans.[1]

オランウータンが自ら薬草で治療か 繰り返し傷口に塗る様子も インドネシアで初観察
5/4(土) 23:59配信

野生のオランウータンが自ら薬草を使って傷を治療する姿が初めて観察されました。  ドイツの研究チームはインドネシアのスマトラ島で顔に傷のあるオランウータンを発見しました。  研究チームはこのオランウータンが薬草を使って自ら治療する様子を観察したと2日に発表しました。  この薬草は鎮痛及び抗菌、抗炎症の効果があるとされています。  発表によりますと、このオランウータンは2022年に薬草を13分間咀嚼(そしゃく)し、葉から出た汁を繰り返し傷口に塗ったということです。  さらにかみ砕いた葉で傷口を覆ったとされています。  傷口は1カ月後には痕が見えなくなるほど治ったということです。  研究チームは「野生動物が薬草を使って自発的に傷の治療をする一連の行動を記録したのは初めてだ」と主張しています。  そして「人類の傷治療の起源について新たな視点を提供する」と成果を報告しています。

オランウータンは、ヒト科オランウータン属Pongo)に分類される構成種の総称である。 語源は、マレー語の「orang(人) hutan(森) = 森の人」である。


体長オス97センチメートル、メス78センチメートル[5][6]。体重オス60 - 90キログラム、メス40 - 50キログラム[5][6]。全身は長く粗い体毛で被われる[5]毛衣は赤褐色や褐色[5]。顔には体毛がなく、皮膚は黒い[5]。なお、若齢個体は頭頂部の体毛が逆立ち毛衣が明橙色で、眼や口の周囲がピンク色である[5]。ただし、非常に稀な例ではあるものの、アルビノの個体も確認されたことがある[7][8]

オランウータンの腕は脚の2倍の長さがある[9]。これは上腕骨ではなく橈骨尺骨が長いことによるものである。指と爪先が曲がっていて、そのため枝を上手につかむことができる。大腿骨を骨盤に保持する股関節の靭帯がないため、ヒトや他の霊長類と異なり、オランウータンは足の動きに制約が少ない[9]ゴリラチンパンジーとは異なり、オランウータンはナックルウォーク(軽く握った指の第1関節から2関節の間を地面につける)をしない。地面を歩くときは 第2関節から第3関節の間を地面につけ、腕で体全体を前後に振り子のように振りながら前に進む。この時、体の側面と手の甲は平行になっている。







フランジのオスは大きな「のど袋」を持っていて、「ロング・コール(long call)」と呼ばれる独特の音声を発し、発情したメスがやってくるのを待つ。アンフランジのオスはメスと変わらない小さな体でこっそりメスに近づき、交尾を試みる。アンフランジの交尾に対してメスが抵抗することが多いため、研究者によってはこうした交尾を「レイプ」と呼んだりもする。



Orang hutan

Orange human



  1. そういえば、スカーキングは赤毛でフランジはなかったような。

  2. Replies




      もともと南蛮カルタでは、ヨーロッパ産の遊技具らしくカルタの龍は羽を広げた状態で描かれていて、火炎に包まれた姿で描かれることはなかった。これをうんすんカルタと縁の深い日本の天正カルタで見てみると、初期(1603~52)のものと思われる「 版木硯箱 」[2]も、中期(1704~89)のものと思われる神戸市の神戸市博物館にある 「天正カルタ重箱」の版木①、② [3]も、後期(1789~1854)と思われる版木の断片史料[4]も、いずれも蝙蝠龍であり、木版のカルタではヨーロッパからのダイレクトな伝来経路が想像できる。一方、手描きの天正カルタを見てみると、これと対照的に「版木硯箱」と同時期のものと思われる 南蛮美術館蔵の手描きの天正カルタ [5]も、その後の数点のものも、例外なく火焔龍である。中国では、古代には翼をもった「応龍」もいたことはいたがごく稀で、普通は、龍は年齢を重ねた老蛇の化身であり、火焔に包まれて蛇のように天に昇るものであり、蝙蝠のように羽を広げて飛ぶものではない。私は、火焔龍は、ヨーロッパから伝来したカルタの龍の絵を見た東南アジア居住か中国本土居住の中国人が、中国的な常識に翻案して、広げた羽の部分を火焔に変えたものと理解している。


      [1] 『国際写真情報』第四巻第一号、国際情報社、大正十四年、口絵。

      [2] 江橋崇、『ものと人間の文化史173 かるた』、法政大学出版局、平成二十七年、九二頁。

      [3] 山口吉郎兵衛、『うんすんかるた』、リーチ(私家版)、昭和三十六年、九頁。

      [4] 「天正かるたとうんすん多加留」『美術・工芸』昭和十七年五月号、美術・工芸編輯部、昭和十七年、五八頁。

      [5] 『王朝のあそび』朝日新聞社、昭和六十三年、三三頁。

  3. 天上的龍,地上的蟲,草叢中的蛇、樹洞裡的蝙蝠。

  4. Xu, X. et al. "A bizarre Jurassic maniraptoran theropod with preserved evidence of membranous wings". Nature advanced online publication. (2015) doi:10.1038/nature1442

    A bizarre Jurassic maniraptoran theropod with preserved evidence of membranous wings

    Xing Xu, 
    Xiaoting Zheng, 

    Yanhong Pan 
    Show authors
    Nature volume 521, pages70–73 (2015)Cite this article
    29k Accesses
    121 Citations
    788 Altmetric

    The wings of birds and their closest theropod relatives share a uniform fundamental architecture, with pinnate flight feathers as the key component1,2,3. Here we report a new scansoriopterygid theropod, Yi qi gen. et sp. nov., based on a new specimen from the Middle–Upper Jurassic period Tiaojishan Formation of Hebei Province, China4. Yi is nested phylogenetically among winged theropods but has large stiff filamentous feathers of an unusual type on both the forelimb and hindlimb. However, the filamentous feathers of Yi resemble pinnate feathers in bearing morphologically diverse melanosomes5. Most surprisingly, Yi has a long rod-like bone extending from each wrist, and patches of membranous tissue preserved between the rod-like bones and the manual digits. Analogous features are unknown in any dinosaur but occur in various flying and gliding tetrapods6,7,8,9,10, suggesting the intriguing possibility that Yi had membranous aerodynamic surfaces totally different from the archetypal feathered wings of birds and their closest relatives. Documentation of the unique forelimbs of Yi greatly increases the morphological disparity known to exist among dinosaurs, and highlights the extraordinary breadth and richness of the evolutionary experimentation that took place close to the origin of birds.


    2. Newly Discovered Bat-Like Dinosaur Reveals the Intricacies of Prehistoric Flight
      Though Ambopteryx longibrachium was likely a glider, the fossil is helping scientists discover how dinosaurs first took to the skies
      May 8, 2019

      About 160 million years ago, in the depths of the Jurassic, feathered dinosaurs started to take to the air. Clawed arms that had evolved to snatch and catch began to take on a new aerodynamic role, and feather-coated limbs began flapping as the earliest avian dinosaurs overcame gravity to leave the surface of the Earth behind. But not all fluffy saurians launched into the air the same way. An unexpected discovery from China reveals an enigmatic family of dinosaurs with bat-like wings.

      The first of these dinosaurs, given the adorable moniker Yi qi, was described by paleontologist Xing Xu and colleagues in 2015. While the small dinosaur had a coating of fuzz, its wings were primarily made up of a membrane stretched between the fingers and body. The dinosaur’s wings were more like those of bats, which wouldn’t evolve for more than 100 million years, or like the leathery wings of contemporary flying reptiles called pterosaurs.

      Yi was unlike any dinosaur ever found—until now. Chinese Academy of Sciences paleontologist Min Wang and colleagues have just named a second bat-like dinosaur related to Yi in the journal Nature: Ambopteryx longibrachium.


  5. JIA ng

  6. The evolutionary drivers and correlates of viral host jumps
    Cedric C. S. Tan, Lucy van Dorp & Francois Balloux
    Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024)

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    Open access

    Published: 25 March 2024

    The evolutionary drivers and correlates of viral host jumps

    Cedric C. S. Tan, 

    Lucy van Dorp & 

    Francois Balloux 

    Nature Ecology & Evolution (2024)Cite this article

    15k Accesses

    1 Citations

    2454 Altmetric



    Most emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases stem from viruses that naturally circulate in non-human vertebrates. When these viruses cross over into humans, they can cause disease outbreaks, epidemics and pandemics. While zoonotic host jumps have been extensively studied from an ecological perspective, little attention has gone into characterizing the evolutionary drivers and correlates underlying these events. To address this gap, we harnessed the entirety of publicly available viral genomic data, employing a comprehensive suite of network and phylogenetic analyses to investigate the evolutionary mechanisms underpinning recent viral host jumps. Surprisingly, we find that humans are as much a source as a sink for viral spillover events, insofar as we infer more viral host jumps from humans to other animals than from animals to humans. Moreover, we demonstrate heightened evolution in viral lineages that involve putative host jumps. We further observe that the extent of adaptation associated with a host jump is lower for viruses with broader host ranges. Finally, we show that the genomic targets of natural selection associated with host jumps vary across different viral families, with either structural or auxiliary genes being the prime targets of selection. Collectively, our results illuminate some of the evolutionary drivers underlying viral host jumps that may contribute to mitigating viral threats across species boundaries.


  7. 人民中国 禹王 王敏 陛下

  8. 中国は今夏に

