

イラン「米タンカー拿捕」 オマーン湾で武装集団乗っ取りか
1/11(木) 23:22配信

 【イスタンブール時事】イラン国営メディアによると、同国海軍は11日、「オマーン湾を航行中の米石油タンカーを拿捕(だほ)した」と発表した。  英海事機関UKMTOも同日、オマーン沖合で、船舶が4~5人の武装グループに乗っ取られたとの報告があると明らかにした。イラン領海に向けて針路を変更させられ、外部との連絡が途絶えているという。  タンカーはマーシャル諸島船籍で、約14万トンの石油を積んでイラクからトルコに向かっていたという。ロイター通信は英海洋警備会社アンブリーの情報として、タンカーは米国の制裁に違反してイラン産原油を輸送していたとして、2023年に米当局が差し押さえていた船舶と同一だと伝えた。 

Iran declares it is behind seizure of 'US crude oil tanker' in the Gulf of Oman after five 'military men' boarded vessel amid mounting Middle East tensions after UK warship shot down Houthi rebel rocketsUKMTO said the ship was boarded in waters between Oman and Iran
PUBLISHED: 03:15 EST, 11 January 2024 | UPDATED: 09:11 EST, 11 January 2024

St. Nikolas was once known as the Suez Rajan and had been involved in a yearlong dispute that ultimately saw the US Justice Department seize 1 million barrels of Iranian crude oil on it.
In September, Empire Navigation pleaded guilty to smuggling sanctioned Iranian crude oil and agreed to pay a $2.4 million fine over a case involving the tanker Suez Rajan, which carried some 1 million barrels of oil.


United States v. Empire Navigation Inc. and Suez Rajan Limited





The Company

We are an international shipping company that was incorporated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands in 2014 for the purpose of acquiring and operating a fleet of modern product tankers that provide seaborne transportation of refined petroleum products. We believe that growth in world trade and the distance of new sources of refinery capacity from primary areas of consumption create an opportunity for demand growth in the product tanker sector. By acquiring the vessels in our fleet at near historically low prices and operating them efficiently, we expect to be well positioned to benefit from a recovery in demand. We deploy our vessels predominately under time and bareboat charters, which generate stable cash flow and allow us to maintain high utilization rates, while preserving the flexibility to take advantage of higher charter rates as charters expire and renewal or spot charter opportunities arise.

Our initial fleet will consist of 10 modern petroleum product tankers, consisting of eight Medium Range, or MRs, and two Long Range 1, or LR1s, with an aggregate carrying capacity of 543,090 dwt, and a dwt-weighted average age of approximately 6.7 years as of June 30, 2014. We refer to these vessels as our Initial Fleet. Each of the 10 vessels in our Initial Fleet is currently operating under time or bareboat charters with leading charterers including Trafigura Beheer BV, or Trafigura, Daelim H&L Co., Ltd., or Daelim, and Royal Dutch Shell plc, or Shell, or their respective subsidiaries. We took delivery, through our predecessor, HSM Products Limited, and through Poseidon Product Tankers, of six of the vessels in our Initial Fleet in 2012 and four additional vessels in 2013 at a near historically low point in the shipping cycle, which we believe represented an attractive entry point for new investments in the product tanker sector. In April 2014, our Manager entered into a memorandum of understanding to acquire a modern LR1 product tanker, which was built in 2010 and is employed under a bareboat charter, from an unaffiliated owner for a purchase price of $39.5 million. In addition, subsidiaries of MR Holding have entered into memoranda of
agreement to acquire three MR product tankers and related time charters back to the seller for a total purchase price of approximately $74.0 million, of which MR Holding has paid deposits totalling $7.4 million. We refer to the LR1 product tanker, which our Manager will transfer to us upon closing under a definitive purchase agreement, and the three MR product tankers as our Expansion Fleet. Unless indicated otherwise, references to our Combined Fleet are to our fleet of product tankers after giving effect to the purchase of the Expansion Fleet. If we do not acquire one or more of the vessels in our Expansion Fleet, we will have discretion to apply the proceeds of this offering that we intend to use to purchase those vessels to acquire other vessels or for other purposes. We will not escrow the proceeds from this offering and will not return the proceeds to you if we do not take delivery of such vessels.

We believe that it is an opportune time to acquire secondhand product tankers, as values for such vessels remain near historical lows. We intend to continue to expand our fleet, beyond the vessels in our Expansion Fleet, through selective acquisitions of secondhand product tankers that we believe will be accretive to distributable cash flow and enhance our ability to pay dividends. We elected to acquire four of the vessels in our Combined Fleet which are employed under long-term bareboat charters that we believe provide attractive levels of contracted revenues. However, we intend to principally employ our vessels, including the remaining 10 vessels in our Combined Fleet which are employed under charters expiring in 2014 through 2017, on multi-year time charters, or at times in the spot market, in a manner that we believe will allow us to benefit from the expected recovery in demand and provide relatively stable cash flows. We believe that our base of contracted revenues, the moderate leverage of no more than 45% of the book value of our vessels we intend to maintain after this offering and our operational efficiency will allow us to apply a substantial portion of our cash flow to the payment of dividends to our shareholders.

Stamatis Molaris, our Chief Executive Officer and Chairman, leads our management team and has over 20 years of experience in the shipping industry. Mr. Molaris is currently the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Alma Maritime Ltd., or Alma Maritime, a privately held shipping company, and previously was the chief executive officer of two publicly traded shipping companies, Quintana Maritime Limited, formerly listed on NASDAQ, and Excel Maritime Carriers, Ltd., which is listed on the NYSE, and the chief financial officer of Stelmar Shipping Ltd., formerly listed on NYSE. Empire Navigation Inc., which we also refer to as our Manager or Empire, and which provides commercial management for our fleet and technical management for all but one of our vessels, has a management and operational team comprised of executive officers who have an average of 29 years of experience in the shipping industry. We believe that the experience and reputation of our management team will assist us in identifying, acquiring and operating suitable vessels for the expansion of our fleet. Our principal shareholders are AMCI Poseidon Fund L.P., or AMCI Poseidon Fund, which focuses on investments in the shipping industry and whose principals include Mr. Molaris and Hans J. Mende, a founder of American Metals & Coal International, Inc., or AMCI, and Maas Capital Investments B.V., or Maas Capital, the private equity affiliate of ABN AMRO Bank N.V., a leading lender to the shipping industry.https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1609665/000104746914007012/a2221017zf-1.htm


【北朝鮮船舶】提供の日本製石油精製品 荷主はオランダ企業 トラフィグラ(トラフィギュラ)

【北朝鮮船舶】提供の石油精製品 荷主はオランダ企業
1月2日 20時35分














12 件のコメント:

  1. ホントにそういう話だったのですね……

  2. Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) posted at 1:03 AM on Fri, Jan 12, 2024:
    JUST IN - 40,000 weapons worth $1+ billion that the U.S. sent to Ukraine have not been properly tracked, Pentagon report concludes — NYT

  3. 頭痛がしますな・・

  4. イランことしよってw

  5. 増税メガネ君の高校後輩の秘書官が親元動かして何とかしますよ

  6. TFAPからの警告じゃない?
    これ まだ本気じゃないだろうが…

  7. フーシ攻撃、日本は加わらずでなく、加えられずかな?www


  8. 産んじゃった責任取れって言われれば すかー
    親も生まれ変われやコラァ すかー ww

    1. キムチをフロントに使えなくなっちゃいそうですね満州派のミネさんw

    2. この記事はお気に召さないようですねw 生まれ変わるのはあなたDeathヨ!

    3. 読み込みが足りませんな。修行修行ww

  9. こりゃイタいわん
