#BREAKING: Tunnels and weapons Confirmed at Shifa Hospital:
— Moshe Schwartz (@YWNReporter) November 16, 2023
I've confirmed the location of the tunnel and the pickup truck with weapons, which the IDF said it found at Shifa Hospital.
📍Tunnel location: 31.524753,34.444200
I combined three screengrabs from two different… https://t.co/EfuJtz76vr pic.twitter.com/5j2aIYtH8H
イブン・シーナー(いぶんしーなー)とは? 意味や使い方
https://kotobank.jp › word › イブン・シーナー-171680
[没]1037. ハマダンペルシアの哲学者,医師。ラテン名アビセンナ Avicenna。 18歳にして万学をきわめ,医師としての名声ゆえに宮廷に仕え波乱に富む生涯をおくった。
https://www.y-history.net › appendix
イブン=シーナー(ラテン名アヴィケンナ)の著作で、アラビア医学にギリシアのヒポクラテスやローマのガレノスなどの医学を加え、さらにインド医学も取り入れて、完成 ...
スタイルと起源 - ペルシア絨毯 - ハマダン | 初めに
https://www.carpetencyclopedia.jp › hamadan
ハマダンのイブン•スィーナー廟。 11世紀からあるアラビアン•モスク。
イブン・スィーナー(ペルシア語: ابن سینا, پور سینا、980年 - 1037年6月18日)は、ペルシャの哲学者・医者・科学者。全名アブー・アリー・アル=フサイン・イブン・アブドゥッラーフ・イブン・スィーナー・アル=ブハーリー(ペルシア語: ابو علی الحسین ابن عبد اللّه ابن سینا البخاری, ラテン文字転写: Abū 'Alī al-Husayn ibn Abdullāh ibn Sīnā al-Bukhārī、ラテン語: Avicenna, カナ転写: アウィケンナ[3]、英語圏:アヴィセンナ[4])。
「頭領」を意味するシャイフッライース(Shaykh al-ra'īs)[8]、「神の証」(Hujjat al-Haq)[11]の尊称でも呼ばれている。中国との交流が多いトランスオクシアナ地方の生まれで名前のスィーナーが「シナ」の発音に似ていることから彼の出身を中国と関連付ける説、アラビア語において「スィーナー」が「シナイ」を意味する点からユダヤ人と関連付ける説も存在する[12]。
Ibn Sina (Persian: پُورْ سِینَا, romanized: Pur Sinâ; Arabic: اِبْن سِینَا, romanized: Ibn Sīnā; 980 – June 1037 CE), commonly known in the West as Avicenna (/ˌævɪˈsɛnə, ˌɑːvɪ-/), was the preeminent philosopher and physician of the Muslim world,[4][5] flourishing during the Islamic Golden Age, serving in the courts of various Iranian rulers.[6] He is often described as the father of early modern medicine.[7][8][9] His philosophy was of the Muslim Peripatetic school derived from Aristotelianism.[10]
His most famous works are The Book of Healing, a philosophical and scientific encyclopedia, and The Canon of Medicine, a medical encyclopedia[11][12][13] which became a standard medical text at many medieval universities[14] and remained in use as late as 1650.[15] Besides philosophy and medicine, Avicenna's corpus includes writings on astronomy, alchemy, geography and geology, psychology, Islamic theology, logic, mathematics, physics, and works of poetry.[16]
Avicenna wrote most of his philosophical and scientific works in Arabic, but also wrote several key works in Persian, while his poetic works were written in both languages. Of the 450 works he is believed to have written, around 240 have survived, including 150 on philosophy and 40 on medicine.[10]
Avicenna is a Latin corruption of the Arabic patronym Ibn Sīnā (ابن سينا),[17] meaning "Son of Sina". However, Avicenna was not the son but the great-great-grandson of a man named Sina.[18] His formal Arabic name was Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn bin ʿAbdullāh ibn al-Ḥasan bin ʿAlī bin Sīnā al-Balkhi al-Bukhari (أبو علي الحسين بن عبد الله بن الحسن بن علي بن سينا البلخي البخاري).[19][20]Avicenna was born in c. 980 in the village of Afshana in Transoxiana to a family of Persian ancestry.[23] The village was near the Samanid capital of Bukhara, which was his mother's hometown.[24] His father Abd Allah was a native of the city of Balkh in Tukharistan.[25] An official of the Samanid bureaucracy, he had served as the governor of a village of the royal estate of Harmaytan (near Bukhara) during the reign of Nuh II (r. 976–997).[25] Avicenna also had a younger brother. A few years later, the family settled in Bukhara, a center of learning, which attracted many scholars. It was there that Avicenna was educated, which early on was seemingly administered by his father.[26][27][28] Although both Avicenna's father and brother had converted to Ismailism, he himself did not follow the faith.[29][30] He was instead an adherent of the Sunni Hanafi school, which was also followed by the Samanids.[31]
Avicenna was first schooled in the Quran and literature, and by the age of 10, he had memorized the entire Quran.[27] He was later sent by his father to an Indian greengrocer, who taught him arithmetic.[32] Afterwards, he was schooled in Jurisprudence by the Hanafi jurist Ismail al-Zahid. Some time later, Avicenna's father invited the physician and philosopher Abu Abdallah al-Natili to their house to educate Avicenna.[27][28] Together, they studied the Isagoge of Porphyry (died 305) and possibly the Categories of Aristotle (died 322 BC) as well. After Avicenna had read the Almagest of Ptolemy (died 170) and Euclid's Elements, Natili told him to continue his research independently.[28] By the time Avicenna was eighteen, he was well-educated in Greek sciences. Although Avicenna only mentions Natili as his teacher in his autobiography, he most likely had other teachers as well, such as the physicians Abu Mansur Qumri and Abu Sahl al-Masihi.[26][32]
返信削除> 浜団
「日本人の8割が中国嫌い」M-1三回戦での“中国揶揄”漫才が「流石に笑えない」と波紋(女性自身) - Yahoo!ニュース
返信削除11/16(木) 18:30配信
まず、肩と肩がぶつかり言い合いになるというシチュエーションで、相方の長島聡之(31)が喧嘩をふっかけると、日本の水産業者に紛した山本が「今、経営が傾いていて」と吐露。福島第一原発の処理水を放出した影響で、中国が日本からの海産物を輸入禁止にしたが、中国の漁船が日本の海で密猟していると主張すると、長島も「あいつらドラえもんだけじゃなくて魚もパクってんのかよ」とツッコミ。そして山本は「それでもあなたは日本人の僕を殴れますか」と問いかけ、長島は「完璧だな! おい!」と返していた。
続いて、携帯の中身を見られたカップルの喧嘩というシチュエーションでは、山本が、「SNSの情報が国に見られている」とし、「やってること、中国と同じですよ」と発言。それに「あんな奴らと一緒にしないで」と長島がツッコむと、山本が「習近平! 習近平! ごめんなさいは?」と謝罪を要求するという流れ。
《「日本人の僕を殴れますか?」→日本人でなければ殴ってもいい→人種に基づく暴力行為の肯定→レイシズム 普通にヤバない?お笑いの舞台をヘイトスピーチに利用してもお咎めなし?》