

The number of cases was staggering. By 1970 – just three years after the launch of the campaign and the last year with collection of official data – half the women in Greenland aged between 15 and 45 had been fitted with the device.



Now these grotesque practices – which started in the mid-1960s, ensnared half the child-bearing women at one point and continued with cases reported as recently as five years ago – are sparking outrage as the horrific scale of them emerges.
It really hurts I cannot become a full woman by giving birth

'I use the word genocide,' said Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam, one of two Greenland MPs in Denmark's parliament, who says her people were targeted due to racist concerns that the costs of a generous Nordic welfare system were spiralling out of control on the island.

She accuses Denmark of trying to eradicate their Inuit culture and language – much like China's brutal repression of Uighur minorities.

'They said in parliament one of the primary goals was to save money and reduce the population. There's no doubt the population has been reduced a lot.'

Some experts suggest the number of Greenlanders – currently about 70,000 – is half what it might have been. 'If this had not happened, there might be 150,000 Greenlanders now,' said Aviaja Siegstad, the chief doctor for the island and a gynaecologist. 'It was a very effective policy.'

The disturbing campaign began after the Danish government – having rejected a post-war offer from the US to buy the strategically-important island – elevated Greenland to county status in 1953, then unleashed 'Danization' policies of rapid development.

This included forced relocation into cities, closure of some remote smaller hunting settlements and sending young children to Denmark to adopt their language.

Perhaps many medics thought they were doing good as birth rates fell by half in just five years, though the biggest drop was among older mothers in their thirties and forties rather than teenagers.

Yet some doctors reportedly joked that if a Greenland woman consulted them even for a swollen finger, she would leave their surgery with an IUD.

They were routinely inserted after women had given birth or had abortions without discussion. 'There was a mentality that to give young women the spiral was better than giving them choice. This was the medical culture everywhere: doctor knows best,' says gynaecologist Aviaja Siegstad.

'But the real scandal was Danish politicians' decision to reduce the number of Greenlanders.

'It was done because costs were skyrocketing so it was seen as essential to limit the money spent in Greenland.'

In one town, girls were taken off by police. In another, by ambulance drivers.

Yet the only schools in Denmark that carried out such practices were four boarding schools for girls from Greenland – a fact that underscores the sinister ethnic focus. 'Those doctors had nothing to do with Greenland so it would seem they must have been told they were part of a programme. They could not all have suddenly had the same idea,' said Henrik Hansen, chief medical officer for Greenland's health board.

Hansen says fitting IUDs to young girls without informed consent from them or their parents was both 'bad medical practice and illegal' – and says such actions became even more egregious after medical consent was backed by law in 2001.

The campaign supposedly ended in 1975 but many doctors carried on with the practice for decades, especially after performing surgical abortions.

Formation of Israel[edit]

Denmark voted for the partition of Palestine in 1947 and supports Israel in the United Nations. Denmark has an embassy in Israel, and Israel has an embassy in Copenhagen since 1949.[3][4] Denmark recognized and established diplomatic relations with Israel on 2 February 1949.[5]

During the first decades of the existence of the State of Israel, many Danes admired the young country, striving to flourish amid hostile neighbors, basing itself on socialist values. Thousands of Danes came to volunteer starting the 1960s in Israeli kibbuzim. It is estimated that over 2,000 Danes came to volunteer in Israel, and that 20 out of 179 parliament members in 2010 were actual kibbutz volunteers in their past.

In 2003, On the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, the former prime minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, told a crowd of people that the actions of Nazi collaborators are a stain on Denmark's otherwise good reputation. Because of the rescue of all Danish Jews during World War II, the Yad Vashem declared the collective Danish resistance as Righteous Among the Nations.[6] In May 2005, Denmark apologized for sending Jews to Nazi concentration camps.

During the 2014 Israel–Gaza conflict, there were protests in Copenhagen, Aarhus and Odense. In Copenhagen, the police estimated between 500 and 600 people demonstrated in front of the Israeli Embassy in Copenhagen.[7] 400 people protested in Aarhus, and 500 in Odense.[8]

The political lives of the two states have been somewhat intertwined: The former Israeli minister of social and diaspora affairs Michael Melchior was born in Denmark and is the son of former chief rabbi in Copenhagen, Bent Melchior, the nephew of former Danish minister of traffic and minister of tourism and communication Arne Melchior, and the grandson of the acting rabbi for the Jewish refugees from Denmark in Sweden 1943–45, Marcus Melchior; the executive director of the Peres Center for Peace 2001–2011, Ron Pundak, who played an important role in starting the Oslo peace process and was part of the core group behind the Geneva Initiative, is the son of the influential Danish journalist Herbert Pundik; and prominent Israeli politician Yohanan Plesner, former chairman of the Plesner Committee, is the son of Danish architect Ulrik Plesner.

Historical visits[edit]

In January 1962, Viggo Kampmann, Danish Prime minister, was the first senior figure from Denmark to ever visit Israel. He inaugurated, during his visit, the "Denya Square" in Jerusalem in a ceremony attended also by the former prime minister of IsraelDavid Ben-Gurion and Jerusalem's mayorMordechai Ish-Shalom. In 1965, prime minister Jens Otto Krag, visited Israel, and in 1972, foreign affair minister, Knud Børge Andersen paid his visit. In 1983, Danish Prime ministerPoul Schlüter, visited Israel, being the first figure to visit Israel, pertaining to the Conservative People's Party, while all previous belonged to the Social democrats Party.

In 2002 Israel's foreign affair minister, Shimon Peres, visited Denmark to meet with his counterpart and the prime minister, in honor of Denmark's presidency of the European Union for that year. During the visit, a beer glass was thrown at him as he was walking through the Tivoli Gardens.[9]

In 2013, Frederik, Crown Prince of Denmark visited Israel, being the first Danish, and Scandinavian, royal to ever visit Israel. He met with President Peres, who expressed the gratitude of Israel to the Danish people for their actions to rescue Jews during the Holocaust.[10][11]

In 2016, Lars Løkke Rasmussen paid a private tour to Israel, where he met Israeli Prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu[12]

In 2018, the Israeli presidentReuven Rivlin, visited Denmark to mark the 75th anniversary of the rescue of the Danish Jews. During the most covered visit, he spoke at the Gilleleje church and at the Jewish synagogue of Copenhagen.[13]

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10 件のコメント:

  1. 米国がグリーランドを購入するかもという話のあったデンマークの件はそう言う話だったのですね…

  2. 全然関係無いけど団長、ちょっと前に反応ありましたぜ

  3. >米国がグリーランドを購入するかもという話のあったデンマークの件はそう言う話だったのですね


  4. IUD勝手に装着までならまだどこか偏った正義かなんかの次元でいられるけど
    機能ぶっ壊す って露骨だぁね
    王室不要論高まるぅ で消えてなくなればいーんだよ
    グリーンだよ でヨロた

    1. あれ?トランプガ―!って言ってませんでしたっけ?

  5. 人を好きになって絶望を知る

  6. 武器を持った集団が物質的慾に駆られて、古代からの先住民を抹殺するために



    1. ネットゲリラ一味昼間担当新規さんいらっしゃいw

  7. もしかして


