
Tweedy, Browne役員の豪邸が全焼。LoL


A gigantic inferno erupted inside a $4 million Connecticut mansion after residents attempted to fry a turkey in the garage on Thanksgiving.
Firefighters faced several challenges on the holiday afternoon after the stunning mansion at 40 Weston Road in Weston went up in flames.
The aggressive blaze quickly spread throughout the home, and soon, its structural collapse created dangerous conditions for responding firefighters.
Residents were attempting to fry a turkey for the big meal Thursday afternoon when the garage went up in flames and began 'rapidly extending into the residence,' according to Weston Volunteer Fire Department.
'Firefighters attempted an aggressive fire attack, however, their efforts were thwarted by dangerous fire conditions and structural collapse,' the department, which battled the flames for 16 hours, wrote in a Facebook post.
In addition to the gigantic flames ripping through the home, first responders hit a major setback when water flow stopped for 'several minutes' after a 'vehicle drove over the water supply hose,' damaging it.
The identity of the turkey chef was not released by authorities, but the home is owned by Tweedy, Brown Managing Director Thomas H. Shrager, according to public records.
Photos released by the department show massive flames ripping through the home and extending several feet outside the home through broken windows.

Tweedy, Browne Company LLC is an American investment advisory and fund management firm founded in 1920 and headquartered in Stamford, CT.[1] As of December 2012, it managed approximately 13 billion dollars in separate accounts and four mutual funds.[2] The firm specialized in value investing influenced by Benjamin Graham, and is also known for their association with Warren Buffett during the early phase of his career. Tweedy, Browne has been described as "the oldest value investing firm on Wall Street".[3]
The company was started in 1920 by Forest Berwind "Bill" Tweedy, who initially focused on shares of smaller companies, often family owned, that traded in lower numbers and lower volume than larger company stocks. This niche allowed him to buy stocks at a significant discount to estimated book value due to the limited options for sellers.[4] Tweedy's focus on buying shares at a discount caught the attention of Benjamin Graham, the father of value investing who was in the 1920s and '30s formalizing his theories. Tweedy and Graham eventually became friends and worked out of the same New York City office building at 52 Broadway.
After decades working solo, Tweedy was joined by Howard Browne and Joe Reilly in 1945. Walter Schloss had a close friendship with Tweedy and used a desk in their office, but Schloss never officially works at Tweedy, Browne. Bill Tweedy retired in 1957, and Howard Browne became president of the company. They still focused on being a market maker or broker-dealer for smaller companies at this point, and became known as "buyers of last resort" for stocks neglected by larger trading firms.[4]
Warren Buffett, a protege of Graham, was closely linked with Tweedy, Browne in the early stages of his investing career. He used Tweedy, Browne as his preferred brokerage for Buffet Partnership, Ltd. (1956-1966), and bought his first shares of Berkshire Hathaway through the firm.[5]
By the 1960s, Tweedy, Browne had expanded from a brokerage and market maker to managing money for outside investors. Buffett singled out Tweedy, Browne as superior investors in his 1984 article "The Superinvestors of Graham-and-Doddsville," noting they outperformed both the Dow Jones Industrial Average and S&P 500 by substantial margins from 1966 to 1982. Their first mutual fund open to the general public was created in 1993.
In 1997 the holding company Affiliated Managers Group bought 70% of Tweedy, Browne for $300 million.[6][7]
The firm's managing directors included well-known value investor Christopher H. Browne, Howard Browne's son and author of The Little Book of Value Investing (2007). Christoper Browne died on December 13, 2009.[8] During Christopher Browne's tenure, two of the firm's mutual funds outperformed market averages between 1993 and 2009.[9]
The managers of Tweedy, Browne also published a number of freely available papers about investment strategies.[10]



11 件のコメント:

  1. 公正加護学苑wwwwwww

  2. 燃やさないとマズーなものがあちこちにあるってことですかね?w

  3. 七面鳥焼くついでに家まで焼いちまった、ということらしいですw

  4. 鶏肉焼いても家焼くなw
    カンカンカン 晩餐館w

  5. 七面鳥は、焼いただけでは味が蛋白で、じゃなかった淡白やけん、このごろは寸胴鍋に油いれてフライにするそうでっせ


    どうやら、このコネチカットのジョージアン様式メゾンの場合も、ガレージに5ガロン入り寸胴フライヤーをおいて、職人さんが煮えたぎるオイルに七面鳥放り込んだら、発火しちまい、燃え広がったらしいです   で、

    アメリカ人の返答:わざわざ外に行くの寒いじゃん それに、おたくらがガレージを別にするのは、💩臭い馬小屋の伝統からでしょ、おれたち関係ないね

  6. 冷凍七面鳥 丸ごとフライ 爆発




    1. >燃やさないとマズーなものがあちこちにあるってことですかね?w


      (So many people have fires because of Turkey fryers)


    2.  このQuaraのTerry Loさんの場合は、、



  7. ターキーといえばTurkey人🇹🇷

  8. >Tweedy, Browne
