伝説バンドのボーカル 極度の精神障害状態に 所属事務所社長が公表
12/25(水) 20:39配信
人気ロックバンド・ZIGGYの所属事務所「ROCKGUILD」の社長が22日、公式X(旧ツイッター)を更新。バンドのボーカル・森重樹一が極度の精神障害状態にあると報告した。 【写真】所属事務所社長が森重の精神障害状態を報告 具体的な症状にも言及 同事務所は13日、森重とのマネジメント契約を今月31日をもって解除することを発表。これに対して森重は、自身の公式ブログでライブの開催状況や金銭面などについての不満を爆発させ、事務所側を猛批判した。 こうした流れを受け、事務所は20日、今月31日に予定していたライブを「開催不可能」として中止に。21日には社長がXで森重について「電話ではいつもどおり穏やかな感じなのですが途中激昂することもあり依存症の病状は相当悪化しているのかと現在夫人と連絡を取りなんとか対応を模索しております」と公表し、22日には「現在森重は極度の被害妄想、強迫性障害にあると聞いております」と具体的な症状についても言及した。 続く23日には「家族の希望で」森重のブログを停止したことも発表。25日には「森重から連絡が来て生存確認完了」とした上で、ブログの再開にはまだ時間が掛かることを示唆した。 森重は1984年に4人組バンド・ZIGGYを結成。87年にアルバムでメジャーデビューした。88年5月に発売し、89年にフジテレビ系ドラマ「同・級・生」の主題歌に起用され同年7月に再販された「GLORIA」がスマッシュヒットを記録してブレークした。森重は2018年、テレビ番組でアルコール依存症を告白。ブログではうつ病も明かしていた。
昔、デビュー前のハノイ・ロックスとはカーナビーストリートにあったクラブとかで一緒にライブしてた。モットリークルーのボーカルのビンスのせいで死んじゃったRazzleとはよく一緒に飲んでた。Razzleとマイケルはいい奴だったけど残りは英語が下手でフィンランド語で喋ってた。そう言えば何故か当時既に有名だったNYドールズのJohnny Thundersがおいらの無名だったバンドの二回のライブで前座やったことがあったなあ…キメすぎてさっさとライブしちゃわないとできなくなりそうだったからって話だったがその後、一緒に飲んでたような…
Nicholas Charles Dingley (2 December 1960 – 8 December 1984), better known by his stage name Razzle, was an English musician, who was the drummer of the Finnish glam rock band Hanoi Rocks from 1982 until his death in 1984.
Early years
Born in Royal Leamington Spa, England, to a young single mother, Patricia Ingram, who decided to give up her child for adoption. He was adopted by Henry and Irene Dingley. The family's only child, he grew up in Coventry, after which the family moved to the village of Binstead, Isle of Wight.
Prior to joining Hanoi Rocks, Razzle started playing in local Binstead small ensembles, one of which was called Thin Red Line. In 1980 he moved to London, where he played in several punk rock bands. Also, he joined Demon Preacher (featuring Nik Wade, later of Alien Sex Fiend), The Fuck Pigs and The Dark, with whom he released one EP The Living End Live in 1981, which was recorded at the band's last gig in London's 100 Club which, in his own words, was heavy punk, almost heavy metal.
➡London's 100 Club
Hey you are bleeding man, are you OK!?
Holy Cross Church, Binstead is a parish church in the Church of England located in Binstead, Isle of Wight.
The 11th-[1] and 13th-century church[2] is located between the village and the coast. Its location some distance from the modern centre of Binstead probably indicates a medieval village associated with the quarries in the church's vicinity.
Most of the chancel is of herringbone masonry. The original nave was replaced in 1844 and enlarged in 1875 by the addition of the north aisle. The bellcote dates from 1925 and contains a pre-reformation bell believed to have come from the original, now ruined, Cistercian Quarr Abbey.
On 7 June 1969, the church was seriously damaged by fire. It was restored and rededicated in February 1971.[3] Many stained-glass windows were destroyed and replaced by new designs by Lawrence Lee.
Outside a sheela na gig,[4] locally known as the "Saxon Idol", is carved on a stone gateway to the churchyard which contains several old and interesting burials. Possibly the best known is that of Thomas Sivell who was mistaken for a smuggler by customs officers and shot. In more recent times Nicholas Dingley, known as Razzle, the drummer of Hanoi Rocks was buried here.
A sheela na gig is a figurative carving of a naked woman displaying an exaggerated vulva. These carvings, from the Middle Ages, are architectural grotesques found throughout most of Europe[1][2] on cathedrals, castles, and other buildings.
The greatest concentrations can be found in Ireland, Great Britain, France and Spain, sometimes together with male figures. Ireland has the greatest number of surviving sheela na gig carvings; Joanne McMahon and Jack Roberts cite 124 examples in Ireland[3] and 45 examples in Britain.[4] One of the best examples may be found in the Round Tower at Rattoo, in County Kerry, Ireland. There is a replica of the Round Tower sheela na gig in the County Museum in Tralee town. Another well-known example may be seen at Kilpeck in Herefordshire, England.
The carvings may have been used to ward off death, evil and demons.[1][2] Other grotesque carvings, such as gargoyles and hunky punks, were frequently part of church decorations all over Europe. It is commonly said that their purpose was to keep evil spirits away (see apotropaic magic). They often are positioned over doors or windows, presumably to protect these openings.
➡A sheela na gig is a figurative carving of a naked woman
➡ frequently part of church decorations all over Europe
➡Nicholas Charles Dingley (2 December 1960 – 8 December 1984), better known by his stage name Razzle, was an English musician, who was the drummer of the Finnish glam rock band Hanoi Rocks from 1982 until his death in 1984.
> sheela na gig
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