

ガザ「ワクチン休戦」に歓迎の声も イスラエル、恒久的な和平には消極姿勢
8/30(金) 18:19配信



Disease outbreak news 2023年7月28日

2023年7月4日、タンザニア連合共和国(以下、「タンザニア」という。)保健省(MoH)は、同国内で伝播型ワクチン由来ポリオウイルス2型(cVDPV2)が検出されたことをWHOに通知しました。このウイルスは、西にタンガニーカ湖(Tanganyika)、南にザンビアと国境を接するタンザニア南西部のルクワ(Rukwa)地域で、急性弛緩性麻痺(AFP)の症例から分離されました。分離されたウイルスの遺伝子配列解析により、コンゴ民主共和国(DRC)の南キブ(South Kivu)で流行している伝播型ワクチン由来ポリオウイルス2型との関連が示されました。
2023年7月4日、タンザニアの保健当局は、同国で伝播型ワクチン由来ポリオウイルス2型(cVDPV2)が検出されたことを確認し、WHOに通知しました。 症例は2歳未満の小児で、2022年に定期予防接種でポリオワクチン(bOPV)を合計3回、(内訳は、不活化ポリオワクチン(IPV)を1回、補足的予防接種事業(SIA)で経口ポリオワクチンを2回)接種しており、渡航歴は記録がありません。この小児は当初、2023年5月下旬にタンザニア南西部ルクワ地域の急性弛緩性麻痺症例として報告されていました。

ウイルスは、主に糞口経路を介して人から人へ感染しますが、それ以外にも頻度は低いものの一般的な経路として、汚染された水や食べ物などを介して感染し、腸内で増殖、そこから神経系に侵入して麻痺を引き起こします。 潜伏期間は通常7-10日ですが、4-35日に及ぶこともあります。感染者の最大90%は無症状か軽い症状があるのみで、通常、病気であると気づきません。

Why Relief Agencies Are Rushing Polio Vaccines to Gaza

A wider outbreak in the conflict zone would be difficult to contain and could spread far, experts fear.

Aug. 30, 2024Updated 6:05 a.m. ET


In July, health officials made an unsettling discovery in Gaza: Poliovirus, a global scourge, was found in samples of wastewater. This month, the news got worse. A 10-month-old baby contracted polio and is now paralyzed in one leg.
It’s the first confirmed case of polio in Gaza in 25 years. Now international agencies are sending more than 1.6 million doses of oral poliovirus vaccine to the conflict zone in an ambitious effort to immunize 640,000 children under age 10.
Israel has agreed to three pauses in military operations, starting Sunday, to facilitate the campaign.
Health officials had been warning for months that the conflict in Gaza could eventually give way to major regressions in infectious diseases. Transmission of poliovirus — which attacks the nervous system and can lead to spinal and respiratory paralysis, and in some cases death — may already be widespread, some experts fear.
Here’s what you should know.

How could there be polio in Gaza?
Of the three naturally occurring “wild-type” viruses, only Type 1 remains; Type 2 and Type 3 have been eradicated.
But there is another form to worry about: so-called vaccine-derived poliovirus. This form now accounts for most outbreaks worldwide.Since 2000, the United States and most wealthy countries have used an injected vaccine that does not contain live virus. But many low-income countries still rely on oral vaccines that contain live, weakened poliovirus, designed to induce an immune response without causing serious illness.
But a child receiving an oral vaccine may shed the weakened virus in stool or bodily secretions. That virus may not be as harmful as wild-type poliovirus — at first.
When vaccination rates in a population are inadequate, a vaccine-derived poliovirus may spread widely without interruption, undergoing genetic changes and eventually reverting to a type able to cause paralysis and outbreaks.
The pathogen circulating in Gaza is believed to be vaccine-derived Type 2 poliovirus, according to the W.H.O. Type 2 was removed from the widely used oral vaccines a few years ago, and so many children in Gaza may be susceptible.

How has the conflict contributed?
Polio vaccine coverage rates in Gaza were at about 99 percent in 2022 but have dropped dramatically. The baby who was infected was unvaccinated.
At the same time, the majority of Gaza’s 2.2 million people have fled their homes for makeshift shelters, where a lack of clean water and sanitation infrastructure, plus overcrowding, make the territory ripe for the spread of disease.
In many communities, untreated sewage is flowing openly near temporary dwellings. Illnesses passed through contaminated food or water, or close person-to-person contact, are a major threat.
Airstrikes and ground combat have decimated many of the territory’s hospitals and clinics, and fewer than half of its facilities remain even partly operational. As a result, existing health infrastructure is dedicated largely to people suffering from war injuries, not to public hygiene and disease prevention.
In the midst of the crisis, disease is surging. There have been at least 500,000 cases of diarrhea and nearly one million acute respiratory infections. The W.H.O. has reported 100,000 cases of lice and scabies, and about the same number of cases of acute jaundice syndrome, or suspected hepatitis A.
What’s the plan in Gaza?
In an effort to curb a potential outbreak, global health officials have started an urgent campaign to deliver vaccines to hundreds of thousands of Palestinian children. The effort is expected to begin on Sunday.
The oral vaccines on the way to Gaza target Type 2 poliovirus, according to the W.H.O., and the campaign will involve 708 teams and 2,700 health workers.
Poor sanitation in Gaza means that at least 95 percent of children will need to receive two vaccine doses to reduce the chances that polio will re-emerge in the region, according to UNICEF.
Israel’s defense ministry said the vaccine drive would occur during three humanitarian pauses.
What does this mean for the global effort to eradicate polio?

The short answer: No one knows.
The poliovirus found in Gaza did not emerge there — it was imported somehow, perhaps from Egypt. Spread beyond Gaza remains possible for however long the virus continues circulating; it is impossible to say whether cases can be contained in Gaza.
More than 30 years ago, the World Health Assembly passed a resolution to eradicate polio, which led to mass vaccination campaigns that brought cases down by more than 99 percent worldwide. Wild-type poliovirus is now known to exist only in two strongholds — Pakistan and Afghanistan.
But Oliver Rosenbauer, a spokesman for the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, said that truly eliminating the disease would require a “one-two punch”: eradicating wild-type polio from those places, and phasing out the live-virus component in oral vaccines.
For now, the best protection against polio in any community is still vaccine-induced “herd immunity.” In places where almost all children have been vaccinated, the likelihood of spread is minimal. But a child anywhere who is unvaccinated remains at risk, as evidenced by a 2022 outbreak that reached New York.
“As long as polio is anywhere,” Mr. Rosenbauer said, “all countries are at risk.”




地球に必要なのは人間だけを程良く間引いてくれるApex Predator。LoL


6 件のコメント:

  1. 個人としての最適解と、集団としての最適解が違うことはたまにある。

  2. 自然感染に任せとけば済んだのに、ワクチンで人工的に感染した結果ってことでつねw

  3. そしてルー・ゲーリック=ALSへ

  4. ライブの最中、最前列で、、、まあ、アレが効いてるのでしょうね、、、それもメタリカのライブで!https://news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/2af799f76056b02769cd8cb608003509f233ec2d

  5. ウハハー


  6. UNRWA清田くんww
