


7 件のコメント:

  1. イロハニww

  2. https://www.world-nuclear-news.org/Articles/Nukem-Technologies%C2%A0acquisition-agreement-signed-by

    Nukem Technologies acquisition agreement announced
    09 July 2024

    Japan's Muroosystems Corp has signed an acquisition agreement for Nukem Technologies Engineering Services, which specialises in decommissioning, waste management and engineering services.

    The Germany-based company was bought by Russia's Atomstroyexport in 2009 for a reported EUR23.5 million (USD25.5 million). The proposed terms of the current acquisition contract, which was signed on 29 May, has not been disclosed.

    Nukem said that the decision to sell was taken in 2022 "in view of the difficult geopolitical situation and the challenges involved in continuing the company under a Russian owner. Since then, intensive negotiations have been held with potential buyers who recognised the enormous potential of Nukem, both in terms of its products and its highly qualified team".

    In a statement posted on its website, Nukem said the takeover by a Japanese investor "marked a new beginning" and gives it "the opportunity to return to the markets that were no longer accessible due to the previous ownership structure". It added that as part of the process "all necessary approvals for the transaction will be obtained and obligations to third parties will be diligently fulfilled".


  3. ウクライナ大本営発表は、8割くらい嘘なのでは?

  4. NHK
    7 時間前 · www3.nhk.or.jp
    ウクライナで引き渡し式 山梨県のメーカー製作の地雷除去機
    ... 製造技術をいかして製作したものなど、あわせて4台の地雷除去機です。 日本はこれまでJICA=国際協力機構を通じて、

  5. Yahoo!ニュース
    3 時間前 · news.yahoo.co.jp
    ウクライナに日本が大型の地雷除去機を初供与 ...日建 雨宮誠 代表取締役 「非常に多くの回数で警報が鳴って、みんなで一応(地下の)バンカーに避難しましたが、ミサイルの音はしていました」 引き渡しの式典は急きょ延期となり、きのう執り行われました。

    1. 金丸信クンのおうちのまえww
