
Noa, a daughter of Chinese woman from Wuhan and three other hostages are rescued from Hamas.LoL

人質奪還作戦でガザ210人死亡 4人救出、イスラエル「続行」
6/8(土) 20:56配信

The Nuseirat rescue operation (codenamed Operation Seeds of Summer) was carried out by Yamam (Israel's national counter-terror and hostage rescue unit), the Shin Bet and Israel Defense Forces in the Nuseirat refugee camp on 8 June 2024. During the operation, four Israelis who were kidnapped in the Hamas surprise attack on Israel were rescued. The freed hostages were Noa Argamani, Shlomi Ziv, Almog Meir Jan and Andrey Kozlov.[1][2]

The four were kidnapped during the massacre at the Nova festival. The operation targeted a school and market place simultaneously, and the hostages were uninjured. A Yamam soldier, Arnon Zemora, was seriously injured during the operation and later died.[3][4]

This operation lead to the massacre of arrouund 210 Palestinian refugees in the Nuseirat refugee camp, many of whom were women and children.[5][6][7]

Palestinian health officials reported the deaths of at least 210 people in the operation, of which the majority were women and children. Witnesses reported that entire residential blocks were wiped out. Dr. Tanya Haj-Hassan, a paediatric intensive care doctor with Doctors Without Borders, stated that Al-Aqsa hospital , where many of the affected victims were transported, was a "complete bloodbath."[5][12] Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas described the operation as a "massacre."[13]

The operation also resulted in the death of an Israeli officer in the elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit.[14]

Noa Argamani was born in Israel on 12 October 1997 to Yaakov and Liora Argamani.[5] She is their only child.[6] Her mother Liora Argamani, also known as Li Chunhong in Chinese, is from the Chinese city of Wuhan and is a former national of China.[7] Noa Argamani is a native Israeli; after her abduction it was incorrectly reported that she is a Chinese-Israeli born in Beijing.[7] She is a student at Ben Gurion University[8] where she met her boyfriend of two years, Avinatan Or.[9]


Remember the Covenant of the Rainbow. LoL




There is now a D-Flag on the Dark side of the Moon. Who's flag is it? LoL



God enlarge Japheth, And may he live in the tents of Shem. LoL


5 件のコメント:

  1. まー、本当にすごいことになってますね、、、あの動画の女の子やったんですね、、、、、

    (Zirei Kayitz)

    Director: Hen Lasker
    Israel, 2007, 63 min

    Seven years after completing the Israel Defense Force (IDF) training for female combat soldiers, the director returns to the place where, for the first time, she fell in love with a woman - her commanding officer. Over the course of 66 days and nights, this documentary follows the teenage girls in one of the IDF's most rigorous combat courses and looks at the relationships that develop between girls in an environment subject to strict military code. The film reveals the mechanism that enables the transformation of 18-year-olds from "daddy's little girls" into fierce disciplined soldiers. Through the intimate relationship that develops between the director and one of the characters, questions about identity, sexuality and the discovery of femininity surface.


  3. ところで、Harari姐さんの名前の方は、Yuval Noahでしたね。
