


6/24(月) 17:30配信

米航空宇宙局(NASA)は米国時間6月21日、米Boeingの「CST-100 Starliner」(スターライナー)の地球への帰還を7月2日以降に延期すると発表した。  Starlinerは6月5日に「Atlas V」ロケットで打ち上げられ、2人の宇宙飛行士は6日から国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)での滞在を開始している。その後、ヘリウムの漏れやスラスターの問題などから地球への帰還を6月26日以降に延期していた。  2人の宇宙飛行士、Butch Wilmore氏とSuni Williams氏がISSに滞在する期間は当初、約1週間の予定だった。ISSでの滞在はもうすぐで3週間になろうとしているが、いまだ帰りのめどが立っていない状況だ。  NASAはStarlinerの地球への帰還を遅らせることで、宇宙船で発生したいくつかの問題を見極める時間を得ることができる。「ランデブーとドッキング中に観測されたヘリウムの小さな漏れとスラスターの性能に関して検討している」と、NASAでプログラムマネージャーを務めるSteve Stich氏は述べている。  NASAは声明で「軌道上には十分な物資があり、ISSのスケジュールは8月中旬まで比較的空いているため、離脱のタイミングを心配する必要はない」と語っている。  Starlinerは4人乗りの宇宙船で、NASAとの契約「商業乗員輸送プログラム(Commercial Crew Program:CCP)」のもと、宇宙飛行士をISSに輸送することを目的に開発された。Boeingと同じくCCPを契約している米Space Exploration Technologies(SpaceX)はすでに実運用され、これまでに8回のISSへの有人飛行を実施している。



Shocking images show the world's biggest garbage dump as clean-up intensifies at fungus-infested site twice the size of Texas
PUBLISHED: 12:28 EDT, 23 June 2024 | UPDATED: 06:14 EDT, 24 June 2024

Shocking images have laid bare the world's biggest garbage dump - comprising 100,000 metric tons of everything from discarded fridges to children's toys.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch spans 620,000 square miles - an area twice the size of Texas - with the majority of trash coming from China, Japan, Korea and the US.
The aquatic trash-heap was first detected 1,200 miles west of California in 1997, and has since sprawled across the ocean - threatening marine life while releasing toxic microplastics into the atmosphere.
However, since 2019, the Ocean Cleanup nonprofit has been on a mission to change this through an $189 million project aiming to conquer the artificial floater over the next 10 years.
'We're taking it out of the ocean while we still can,' the charity's head of environmental and social affairs Matthias Egger told DailyMail.com. 'Really what we are doing is we are preventing an ecological time bomb.'
Egger said Ocean Cleanup was dreamt up by scuba diver Boyan Slat several years ago, who founded the nonprofit after becoming frustrated by finding 'more plastic than fish' in the otherwise beautiful Mediterranean waters.
They began with the world's largest waterborne trash pile first - known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
During the early years, they focused on developing ground-breaking technology which can clear areas the size of a football field every five seconds.
The machine, known as System 3, nicknamed 'Josh' by the developers, extricates foreign objects from the ocean without harming the natural marine life swimming in the same area.
'The System 3 machine, which is 1.4 miles in size, funnels all the plastic into what looks like a big bag,' Egger told DailyMail.com.
When asked how the machine manages to scrape the ocean for rubbish while leaving tiny fish unscathed, Egger added: 'That's the challenging part.
'When we developed the first version of the machine, we asked fishermen: "If you were to produce the worst fishing net possible, how would you do it?"
Egger explained that the system was designed to have large escape routes for marine life which can swim to the bottom, without losing any of the plastic which tends to float to the top.
He added that it's also programmed to make a sound which repels marine life including dolphins and whales so they're not in danger of approaching.
'Even if an animal does get into the system, there are holes and it can breathe before finding an escape route,' he said.
Egger added that teams use a 'plastic forecast' each day to determine where the 'hotspots' are based on the ocean's movements and the weather conditions.

He said that a whopping 80 percent of the trash is discarded fishing equipment from developed countries - mostly China, Korea, Japan and the US.
'We used to think most plastic you find in the ocean comes from the land,' Egger told DailyMail.com.
'But what we do find is that most of the plastic coming from the land into the ocean stays very close to the river and on the beaches.'
'Sometimes you hear in the media that plastic pollution comes from developing nations that lack the infrastructure to properly dispose of things,' he added.
'But we're finding the majority of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch is made up of items from highly industrialized nations'.
Egger said the 'biggest problem' the ocean trash poses comes from when it starts to degrade into toxic micro plastics.
'They are so small that they go everywhere,' Egger said. 'They go into the fish, they go into the air, they go into the water - and they're very difficult to remove.
'A lot of the oxygen we breathe comes from the ocean. Microplastics in the air also lead to more rapid climate change.'
Egger said the majority of the plastic removed from the ocean can be recycled - and the Ocean Cleanup has partnered with Korean car producer Kia, which uses the trash to build EVs.
He said in future the huge-scale data collection effort behind the scenes of the cleanup could help hold countries accountable for their green pledges by tracking their waste output, while 'biding us time' in the climate crisis.
Recently, an international group of scientists discovered a water-borne fungus chomping through the trash, which has been detailed in a new study published in the journal Science of the Total Environment.
The fungus was discovered among the whispery layers of other microbes which live in the suspended plastic pile, and it's only the fourth known marine fungus capable of consuming plastic waste.



9 件のコメント:

  1. The results indicated that both human and animal kidneys are 'remodelled' by the conditions in space, with specific kidney tubules responsible for fine tuning calcium and salt balance showing signs of shrinkage after less than a month in space.Jun 11, 2024

    https://www.sciencedaily.com › 20...
    Would astronauts' kidneys survive a roundtrip to Mars? - ScienceDaily

  2. 表の宇宙開発予算?それとも裏の宇宙開発予算?

  3. 原発と同じで


  4. >漁業税を徴収しろ
    たしかにこれは徴収したほうがいい なぜか長年スルーされてる

  5. 原子力発電所にヒットしてポポポポーンとかなりますかね。

  6. そろそろロシアも勃たなくなってきましたかね。弾切れ。

    Ignatius Lee (@22HomoPoliticus) posted at 9:27 AM on Sat, Jun 29, 2024:

    俄国最大社群网站上一个叫根纳季娅·拉基京娜(Геннадия Ракитина)的账号把纳粹德国诗歌翻译成俄语,把德国元素改成俄国,把歌颂对象改成普京,假装歌颂普京,瞒天过海,在俄国声名鹊起,不但赢得文学奖,还受到一众高官追捧。

    最后该账号自己揭露了这讽刺的一幕,比《钦差大臣》还讽刺。 https://t.co/z5Em8DpIeA

  7. 日本は産官学やら個人やら

