
Sinovac & AstraZeneca LoL

Iran's New President's Link to COVID Vaccine
Published May 20, 2024 at 12:08 PM EDT

As part of that role in the wake of the coronavirus, Mokhber vowed that Iran would make and distribute tens of millions of COVID vaccine doses. But his promise never materialized beyond the state's only manufactured vaccine called COVIran Barekat, which officials in February 2021 claimed was 90 percent effective against coronavirus, according to Al-Jazeera.

At that time, the only vaccines approved internationally were the U.S.-German Pfizer, U.S.-made Moderna and the British-made AstraZeneca.

When Khamenei banned such vaccines inside Iran, according to the Iran International Newsroom, hundreds of millions of dollars were distributed among government-run companies with no experience in vaccine development to produce a homegrown variant.

The alleged COVID mismanagement led to a shift under Raisi, who rescinded the Western vaccine ban introduced by Khamenei and allowed Chinese and AstraZeneca vaccines.

The Johns Hopkins University of Medicine, in a study of mortality rates last updated on March 16, 2023, showed Iran with the fourth-highest number of deaths per 100 confirmed cases—known as case-fatality ratio.

Iran's 1.9 percent rate trailed only Peru (4.9 percent), Mexico (4.5 percent) and Ukraine (2.1 percent).


Iran Coronavirus Vaccination Rate: Any Dosage Daily Trends
https://ycharts.com › indicators › iran_coronavirus_vac...

Iran Coronavirus Vaccination Rate: Any Dosage is at 73.63%, compared to 73.62% yesterday and 73.52% last year. This is higher than the long term average of ...


3 件のコメント:

  1. ムスリムは


  2. https://www.ryutsuu.biz/strategy/q052077.html

