
【天罰術式Makima☆】 Helicopter@November RAIN ➡ IRAN@Octo 7 LoL

➡8月7日 ➡ Octo 7

➡Kishida ➡ 騎士だ


October Rain@Eden Golan@Sweden

"Hurricane" is a song by Israeli-Russian singer Eden Golan. It was written by Avi Ohayon, Keren Peles, and Stav Beger, and released on 10 March 2024 through Session 42. Inspired by an Israeli perspective of the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel and its emotional aftermath on Israelis according to Golan and its songwriters, it is representing Israel in the Eurovision Song Contest 2024.
The song drew heavy scrutiny for its original title "October Rain", which along with the lyrics was viewed as a political message alluding to the Israel–Hamas war in support of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces (IDF).



Slash Remembers Making His Peace With Fate Before ...
Ultimate Guitar
https://www.ultimate-guitar.com › general_music_news

Feb 28, 2022 — Slash Remembers Making His Peace With Fate Before Filming 'November Rain' Helicopter Shots. "And I thought: 'Well, this will be my last day ...

The scene may look harmless from our point of view, but the frame shot by a low-flying helicopter rushing towards Slash had the guitarist questioning how much time he's got left on this Earth. Slash explained:
"We've been doing videos with the same production company from the beginning. And it was this guy Andy Morahan who was the director, and he got on with this 'November rain thing'.

"And when the guitar solo came, Andy and I sat down and talked about it, and he had the idea of doing it out in the church where [1985 Western] 'Silverado' was shot. I think that's where it was, in New Mexico. And I was like: 'Cool!' But he didn't tell me that they were going to be doing divebomb shots with me with a helicopter.

"And you know, [it was] when I got out onto the set and did my thing that I noticed that this helicopter would come back and fourth, in extremely fast speeds and get really, really low. And I thought: 'Well, this will be my last day on Earth'. So I was, you know, trying to look cool [laughs]...




Qiz Qalasi Dam a.k.a Aras Dam LoL


4 件のコメント:

  1. うんこ駄々漏れさん、今頃震えてるのかなw

  2. イラン、日本に資産凍結解除要求 ライシ大統領が会見、対米独立を
    2023/8/29(火) 20:22 

    1. アンチアメリカを

  3. イスラム原理主義国家w
