
If you need to masturbate, Suck your own dick or play with your own cunt. All you self righteous bastards and bitches! LoL.




Chloe Guan-Branch - 'the girl born on a plane' - was an instant star but what happened next will leave your horrified... and now we can finally tell you as court unseals bombshell case
Chloe Guan-Branch tragically passed away in May 2020 after years of abuse
She made headlines in 2015 after being born during an international flight
Her stepfather Justin Cassie-Berube was found guilty of her manslaughter

PUBLISHED: 18:45 EDT, 21 May 2024 | UPDATED: 19:57 EDT, 21 May 2024

A girl who made international headlines after being born during a flight nine years ago tragically died after suffering a sickening campaign of abuse at the hands of her stepfather, newly unsealed court documents revealed.

Chloe Guan-Branch captivated the world on Mother's Day 2015 as her mother Ada Guan gave birth mid-flight while claiming to not even know she was pregnant.

But the famous child died just five years later after enduring over a year of torment inflicted by her stepfather Justin Cassie-Berube, who was found guilty in March of manslaughter over the girl's death in 2020.

The horror case had been shielded from public view until the conclusion of Cassie-Berube's manslaughter trial, as a publication ban was lifted by a court challenge from several Canadian outlets.

This revealed a shocking pattern of abuse inflicted on the girl, including head injuries, lacerations across her body, and a ruptured bladder that forensic pathologists ruled contributed to her death.

Following Chloe's birth on board an Air Canada flight, cameras from across the world had received news of the mid-flight arrival and were waiting as her father Wesley Branch carried the newborn onto the runway.

Wesley and her mother Ada Guan told of their shock at the happy news, with Wesley telling reporters upon landing that he 'couldn't image this just happened, completely unexpectedly.'

Notably, the new parents also quickly turned off supporters as they launched a GoFundMe seeking $50,000 because Guan worked part-time and Branch was unemployed, and Branch compared raising a baby to raising a cat.

The young girl's life got off to a rocky start as Chloe was taken from her parents' care by the Children's Aid Society within a few months, and was only returned to Guan at the age of three, reports the Toronto Sun.

Chloe's parents also split around a year after she was born, and her paternal grandparents said they lost contact with Chloe's mother's side of the family following the breakup.

Guan moved with her daughter to Alberta, Canada, and met Cassie-Berube online, before moving with him to Ottawa in February 2019.

The Branch family said their estrangement extended up to the point that Chloe died, as they didn't even know the girl was in Ottawa until police contacted them to inform them of the tragedy.

'We were hoping one day we could meet her. We thought we’d reminisce about the day she was born on a plane to Japan,' they wrote in a victim impact statement ahead of Cassie-Berube's sentencing.

At Cassie-Berube's trial, Guan testified against him as she said he would often erupt in fits of anger and use little Chloe as a 'punching bag', a dynamic that only worsened as the trio were left alone during the Covid-19 pandemic.

She also testified that Cassie-Berube 'grabbed her and tossed her around, spanked her, put soap in her mouth, smacked her lips and face, threw her on the bed, squeezed her ankles, grabbed her forearm, yanked her forward, and hit her on top of the head with a wooden spoon.'

According to a judge's summary of his trial, Cassie-Berube would often threaten to commit suicide if Guan left him, while repeatedly inflicting beatings on Chloe at home.

A neighbor testified that he tried to explain away Chloe's injuries with excuses like she fell off her bed, as the neighbor recalled several incidents, including one around Christmas 2019 when she saw the girl's face was 'shocking, bruised and banged up.'

In text messages reported by the Toronto Sun, Guan would complain over the injuries to the stepfather, but appeared most concerned with them being noticed.

'I just don’t wanna see her face all bruised and f***** up no more. I don’t wanna go out and have to cover her face up just cause there’s marks on it. That’s suspicious.'

He responded: 'OK. I’m sorry I understand what u mean, u do have every right to yell and get mad. I’m sorry for what I did.'

The sickening ordeal continued until Chloe's fifth birthday, when she suffered a ruptured bladder. Cassie-Berube, who admitted to much of the abuse, claimed that the injury came as the girl fell onto her bed railing and was not the result of a punch.

He also made the same claim in his first police interview, during which the stepfather said he would often blackout while drinking, and reportedly said he needed help if he was 'the monster that hurt a little girl.'

'I'm the one that caused everything that's happening right now,' he reportedly admitted.

Chloe was found in a soiled bed after complaining of agonizing stomach pain for days, and police said she had a 'shocking' number of injuries when she was found.

A forensic pathologist ruled that the ruptured bladder was a result of blunt impact abdominal trauma to a full bladder, which left her with painful symptoms including a hard stomach, vomiting, lacking appetite, and in 'imperative' need of medical care.

Her other injuries included a laceration and serious head injury caused by blunt force, rib fractures, and a slew of bruises across her arms, abdomen and legs.

Investigators added that they also found 'possible cigarette burn marks on her left lower hip area.'

Guan testified that despite the injuries, she was stopped from taking Chloe to the hospital because Cassie-Berube threatened her that the bruises 'would raise a lot of questions.'

Chloe's cause of death was listed as acute uremia, a fatal condition caused by waste entering the bloodstream.

At trial, Cassie-Berube was found guilty of all six counts he faced, listed as manslaughter, assault, criminal negligence and failing to provide the necessities of life to the five-year-old girl.

The stepfather is scheduled to be sentenced on May 24.

This bitch too...

2024年05月21日 18時00分



















”This is about Saving Lives”「命を救うぞ!」と「Protein 14」をちょちょいといじくったら「14へ行け」が出ますた!(爆w






殺し文句は ”This is about Saving Lives”












『自分は自分が卑下してた未接種者の命を救うことができた。正しかったのは未接種者の方であり自分ではなかった。これからの世界はそんな彼らに託そう。命を救うという一番重要な目的は果たせたのだから悔いはない。This is about Saving Lives・・・』


I urge everyone, when it is your turn, get vaccinated. It's about saving your life, the life of your family members, and your community.
2022/03/26 — The epidemic began in a village in Guinea, in December, 2013, when some particles of Ebola apparently went from a bat into a small boy. That ...
2022/04/13 — It's about Saving Lives」と綺麗事を免罪符に禁断のヤバイ実験を行ったという大罪を. 反GOD派の皆様が抗原原罪(OAS)という形で背負い償うはめに ...



勇者の皆様は”Original Antigenic Sinners”こと抗原原罪人。罪状は『GODになろうとしたおもいあがり』。







Now God is an American named Johnny. And you better be Afraid. LoL...Continues



From now on, I am the One and Only God on Earth and all fake Gods and their followers and believers will be exterminated one by one. LoL



2 件のコメント:

  1. 赤ちゃんは


  2. 眞詐壷サマは、噂通り、やっぱガバガバのガバちゃんだったのですか?
