匿名2024年4月17日 21:27
Ali (Arabic: علي, romanized: ʿAlī) is a common unisex (originally male) name.
Ali is derived from the Arabic triconsonantal root ʕ-l-w, which literally means "high", "elevated", "champion", ”king of kings”, ”emperor”, and is used as both a given name and surname. Islamic traditional use of the name goes back to the Islamic leader Ali ibn Abi Talib, but the name is also present among some pre-Islamic Arabs (e.g. Banu Hanifa, and some rulers of Saba and Himyar). It is identical in form and meaning to the Hebrew: עֵלִי, Eli, which goes back to the High Priest Eli in the biblical Books of Samuel.
The Ali surname is especially common in Arab countries and the rest of the Muslim world.[1]
Ali is the most common last name in Qatar, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Somalia, Kuwait and Libya.[2] The last name can also be found among the Indian Muslim and Pakistani communities, as it is often associated with the descendants of Ali in these regions.[3]
The name Ali is also used in various other cultures as a given name. Among English speakers it is used as a short form of male or female names starting with "Ali", such as Alice, Alison, Alisha, Alistair, Alexander, or Alexandra. In Old Norse, Áli and Åle are alternative forms of Onela. Ali is a Finnish male given name, derived from Aleksanteri.[4]
Sunni view of Ali
Ali ibn Abi Talib was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Ali contributed significantly to Islam in its early years and was likely the first male to accept the teachings of Muhammad. In Sunni Islam, Ali is recognized as a close companion, a foremost authority on the Quran and Islamic law, and the fountainhead of wisdom in Sunni spirituality. When Muhammad died in 632 CE, Ali had his own claims to leadership, perhaps in reference to Muhammad's announcement at the Ghadir Khumm, but he eventually accepted the temporal rule of the first three caliphs in the interest of Muslim unity. During this period, Ali is portrayed in Sunni sources as a trusted advisor of the first three caliphs, while their conflicts with Ali are neutralized or downplayed. Ali himself succeeded to the caliphate in 656 but his rule was immediately challenged by multiple pretenders and he was assassinated in 661.Shia view of Ali
Ali ibn Abi Talib was the cousin and son-in-law of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. Ali contributed significantly to Islam in its early years and was likely the first male to accept the teachings of Muhammad. Ali is accorded an almost legendary place in Islam as a paragon of virtues, a fount of wisdom, and a fearless but magnanimous warrior. In Shia Islam Ali is regarded as the foremost companion of Muhammad and his rightful successor through divinely-ordained designation at the Ghadir Khumm.
When Muhammad died in 632 CE, Ali had his own claims to leadership but eventually accepted the temporal rule of the first three caliphs in the interest of Muslim unity. The three caliphs are viewed in Shia Islam as illegitimate rulers and usurpers of Ali's rights. Ali himself succeeded to the caliphate in 656 but his rule was immediately challenged by multiple pretenders and he was assassinated in 661.
In Shia belief, Ali inherited Muhammad's political and religious authority, even before his ascension to the caliphate in 656. In Shia theology, Ali also inherited the esoteric knowledge of Muhammad. Ali is thus viewed, after Muhammad, as the sole authoritative source of (esoteric) guidance and the interpreter, par excellence, of the Quran, the central religious text of Islam. Shia Muslims also believe that Ali, as with Muhammad, was divinely protected from sins. Ali's words and deeds are therefore considered a model for the Shia community and a source for their religious injunctions.
アリー (عَلِيٌّ,ʿAlī) は、ムスリム(イスラム教徒)の典型的な男性の人名。アラビア語で「高い」「高貴な」を意味する男性名でイスラム諸国において広く使われている。英字表記はAlī、Ali。日本語では長母音部分が短くなったアリというカタカナ表記が多い。
アリー(Ari, Arieh, Aryeh)は、ヘブライ語でライオンを意味する名。Arieh, Aryehはアリエ、アリイェフとも発音・表記される。
- アリー・ウォーシェル - イスラエル出身で、アメリカ合衆国で活動した生化学者・生物物理学者。
- ベン=アリ (曖昧さ回避)
Allie, Ally
- アリー・ウォーカー - アメリカ合衆国の女優。
- アリー・エックス - カナダ出身のシンガーソングライター。
- アリー・カー - スコットランド出身のシンガーソングライター。
- アリー・シーディ - アメリカ合衆国の女優。
- アリー・ハン=マッカーディ - カナダのフィギュアスケート選手。
- アリー・ランドストローム - スウェーデンのフィギュアスケート選手。
- 作品および登場人物の名
- アリー my Love - アメリカ合衆国のコメディドラマシリーズ。
- アリー/ スター誕生 - アメリカ合衆国の映画。
- アリー・スカンズ - オランダのサッカー選手・指導者。
- アリー・セリンジャー - ポーランド出身で、イスラエルおよび日本で活動したバレーボール選手・指導者。
- アリー・ハーン - オランダのサッカー選手・指導者。
- アリー・ファンフリート - オランダの自転車競技選手。
- アリー・ルイエンダイク - オランダ出身のレーシングドライバー。
- alee - 日本のラジオパーソナリティ。
- アリー・グロス(Arye Gross) - アメリカ合衆国の俳優。
- アリー・アル・サーシェス - テレビアニメ『機動戦士ガンダム00』の登場人物。
- ジョンジョリーナ・アリー - 日本の歌手。
- 水沢アリー - 日本のタレント。
- メーガン・アリー(Megan Allely) - 南アフリカ共和国のフィギュアスケート選手。
亜&李 alliance lol
返信削除昔流行ったドラマで「アリーmy love」っていうのもありましたけど。
返信削除アリス チャンピオン そのまんまやんw