

UNRWA's budget is set by the UN General Assembly and derives almost entirely from voluntary contributions by UN member states. It also receives some revenue from the regular UN budget, mostly for international staffing costs.[41] In addition to its regular budget, UNRWA receives funding for emergency activities and special projects, such as in response to the Syrian civil war and the COVID-19 pandemic.[42]

Historically, most of the agency's funds came from the United States and the European Commission;[43][44][45] in 2019, close to 60 percent of its total pledge of $1.00 billion came from EU countries, with Germany being the largest individual donor.[46] The next largest donors were the EU, United Kingdom, Sweden and the United Arab Emirates,[46] followed by Saudi Arabia, France, Japan, Qatar, and the Netherlands.[46][47] UNRWA also establishes partnerships with nongovernmental donors, including nonprofit "national committees" based in donor countries.[48]

The voluntary nature of UNRWA funding has led to budgetary problems due to acute emergencies or political developments in donor countries.[49] In 2009, officials spoke of a "dire financial crisis", including a funding shortfall of $200 million, in the wake of the Israeli offensive in Gaza[50][51] In August 2018, the U.S. ceased its contributions, arguing that UNRWA's mandate should be reduced to the few hundred thousand Palestinians alive when the agency was created.[52] The U.S. decision resulted in the loss of $300 million out of the $1.2 billion budget, contributing to an overall deficit of $446 million.[53] The shortfall was covered with increased contributions from elsewhere.[53]

In mid-2019, the Netherlands, Belgium and Switzerland temporarily suspended funding to UNRWA, citing ethics report that alleged mismanagement, corruption, and discrimination among the agency's leadership.[54] In December 2019, the Netherlands restored its funding, increasing its donation by €6 million for 2019, to €19 million.[55] The EU increased its contribution from €82 million ($92.2 million) by €21 million ($23.3 million), and Germany agreed to fund four new UNRWA projects, totaling €59 million ($65.6 million).[56] Qatar increased its donation for Palestinians in Syria by $20.7 million, bringing the 2019 total to $40 million.[57]

The funding situation for 2019 and beyond was discussed in April at a "Ministerial Strategic Dialogue" attended by representatives from Egypt, France, Germany, Japan, Kuwait, Norway, United Kingdom, the European External Action Service and the European Commission.[58] At the annual meeting of the General Assembly that year, a high-level ministerial meeting was held regarding UNRWA funding.[59] In July 2020, Commissioner-General Lazzarini warned that UNRWA's budget was "not sustainable", with shortfalls in four out of the five previous years, and funding at its lowest point since 2012.[49]

According to the World Bank, for all countries receiving more than $2 billion in international aid in 2012, Gaza and the West Bank received a per capita aid budget over double the next largest recipient, at a rate of $495.[60][61]




China’s human rights record criticised at UN as it faces rare scrutiny of policies
UK, US and others use universal periodic review to speak out over Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong

The UK, the US and several other countries criticised China’s human rights record on Tuesday as the country was subjected to rare scrutiny of its policies at the United Nations.
The UK called on China to “cease the persecution and arbitrary detention of Uyghurs and Tibetans and allow genuine freedom of religion or belief and cultural expression without fear of surveillance, torture, forced labour or sexual violence”, while the US said China should “release all arbitrarily detained individuals” and cease the operation of “forcible assimilation policies including boarding schools in Tibet and Xinjiang”.
The UK also recommended that the national security law in Hong Kong be repealed and specifically called for the prosecution of the pro-democracy activist Jimmy Lai to be dropped.






Austria suspends payments to UNRWA amid Israeli allegations UN workers helped, celebrated HamasAustria joins the US, the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Australia, Finland, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Canada and Japan in suspending aidBy Lawrence Richard Fox News
Published January 29, 2024 6:16am EST

US ends all funding to UN agency for Palestinian refugees
https://www.cnn.com › 2018/08/31 › politics › trump-ad...

Sep 1, 2018 — The Trump administration has decided to end all funding to the United Nations agency tasked with supporting Palestinian refugees, calling it ...

UNRWA limps forward after years of Trump administration ...
https://www.aljazeera.com › news › unrwa-limps-forw...

Feb 10, 2021 — UN agency for Palestinian refugees withstood US funding cut, but long-term financial challenges persist.

US confirms end to funding for UN Palestinian refugees
https://www.theguardian.com › world › aug › trump-t...

Aug 31, 2018 — Cutting UNRWA funding has been widely interpreted in both Israel and Palestine as a blunt move by the US to unilaterally sweep aside one of the ...

Why UNRWA, the U.N. agency for Palestinians, is losing ...
https://www.washingtonpost.com › world › 2024/01/28

17 hours ago — Several nations, including the United States, said they would stop funding UNRWA after Israel alleged that agency employees were involved in ...

Why Trump Was Right to End Funding for the UN ...
https://www.heritage.org › middle-east › commentary

Sep 6, 2018 — Last week, the State Department announced that the Trump administration had concluded an internal review and decided to end all U.S. ...




7 件のコメント:

  1. Satoさん:事実無根なので、たたかいまーすw

  2. お目こぼしして許してもらえるっておもってたんすかね 棒

  3. UNRWA
    https://www.unrwa.org › donor-charts
    Donor Charts
    List of 2022 Pledges by All Donors · Overall, Donor Ranking · Top 20 donors, Overall Ranking · Governments and EU Pledges, Overall Ranking · Programme Budget, All ..

  4. 国連はウクライナのネオナチのことは見て見ぬふり

  5. ウクライナのナチスは今日もまたドネツクの民間人を殺した

    1. 日本の公務員はお役所仕事な給料泥棒

  6. UNと関連組織
