

Pentagon is slammed for keeping Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin's hospitalization secret for FIVE DAYS, as wars rage in Gaza and UkraineU.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin was admitted to hospital on New Year's Day for unspecified complications following an elective surgery
The Pentagon has been criticized for not revealing that information for five days while the US plays key national security roles in the wars in Israel and Ukraine

PUBLISHED: 22:12 EST, 5 January 2024 | UPDATED: 22:13 EST, 5 January 2024







13 件のコメント:

  1. そりゃ国防長官ですからねー、ねー、言えませんよねー

  2. 黒いマスクで顔の見えないし、ジャバ・ザ・ハットが変な被りもんして歩いてるみたいで、、、

  3. このお方も大丈夫なんでしょうかね。


  4. 見た目やばい人w

  5. さすがバイデンが名前忘れた人w

  6. russians are spreading a fake about recruiting American students to the Foreign Legion of Ukraine | Center for Countering Disinformation

    ‼️ The Center’s analysts discovered a disinformation campaign spreading in American universities under the guise of an advertisement for the admission to the «International Legion of Ukraine» of student debtors

    🔻 In particular, the «advertising» poster states: «How to repay student loans? Join the International Legion for the Protection of Ukraine»

    ❌ Warning! Based on the collected data, the Center’s analysts found out that such advertisements were not placed in American universities. So, this is another fake of russian propaganda

    ‼️ Similar materials are distributed with the aim of discrediting the Ukrainian army and the government of Ukraine. Be vigilant and trust only sources of verified information

    4 August, 2023

    Join the Brave | International Legion for the Defence of Ukraine

    Candidate requirements

        18-60 years of age

        These are the legal age limits set by Ukrainian legislation

        No criminal record

        The applicants must have no history of prosecution or conviction

        No chronic diseases

        All candidates need to pass an assessment by a medical commission

        Physical fitness

        All candidates need to be physically capable to perform basic infantry tasks

        Ability to legally enter Ukraine

        The Legion or the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not provide assistance with visas and travel arrangements

        Military or relevant experience is an advantage

        Military experience is not required but would increase the chances of being accepted. Other relevant experiences might include law enforcement, paramilitary organizations, firefighting, etc.

        Combat experience is an advantage

        Combat experience is not required but would increase the chances of being accepted. Combat experience might include paramilitary or militias.

    4 steps to apply

        Download and fill in this form
        Scan your passport
        Scan the documents verifying your military or relevant experience (if you have them)
        Email the filled form and the scans of the documents to int_legion_ua@post.mil.gov.ua

  7. Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) posted at 4:22 PM on Mon, Jan 08, 2024:
    NOW - Vulcan rocket with lunar lander lifts off for the first U.S. landing on the moon since the final Apollo mission 1972. https://t.co/0Uem2U8Foo

  8. Daily Mail Online (@MailOnline) posted at 4:38 PM on Mon, Jan 08, 2024:
    China accuses MI6 of recruiting top foreign consultancy firm boss who used 'specialist spying equipment' to collect state secrets for Britain https://t.co/GS8oADowKt https://t.co/6mU1icsO4r


    1. 「吠える犬は噛まない」という理解でオッケーですか?

      Global Times (@globaltimesnews) posted at 5:25 PM on Mon, Jan 08, 2024:
      MI6 has repeatedly hyped up the "🇨🇳 threat." It has now been proven that 🇨🇳 anti-espionage efforts have indeed "threatened" MI6's goal of stealing national secrets. This has revealed the true face of the 🇬🇧 intelligence agency—it is the thief who cries "stop the… https://t.co/eMVaK9np0N

    2. RT (@RT_com) posted at 5:30 PM on Mon, Jan 08, 2024:
      Chinese missiles filled with water instead of fuel – Bloomberg

      US spies question China’s ability to fight a war due to alleged corruption in the military, the agency reported

      https://t.co/JuoozIgKui https://t.co/AWvl1TrSEc

  9. RT (@RT_com) posted at 6:30 PM on Mon, Jan 08, 2024:
    Orban could take over EU Council – Politico

    Officials in Brussels reportedly fear Charles Michel’s resignation could give presiding Hungary enormous influence in the bloc

    https://t.co/ld96J5JGOx https://t.co/0Ue6qWRTMO

  10. Lab Leaks Have Increased By 50% Since COVID Pandemic: Report
    Tyler Durden's Photo
    by Tyler Durden
    Monday, Jan 08, 2024 - 07:00 PM

    Authored by Steve Watson via Modernity.news,

    The Telegraph reports that it has found a FIFTY PERCENT increase in leaks and accidents at laboratories in the UK since the outbreak of COVID in 2020, warning of “potentially catastrophic consequences” in the future.

    The report notes that a Freedom of Information Act request sent to all British universities, government research bodies and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) yielded results showing that “dozens of dangerous viruses and bacteria including anthrax, rabies and Mers (Middle East respiratory syndrome) are being stored close to large populations, potentially placing citizens at risk.”

    The investigation also found that since January 2020, there have been 156 reports of lab leaks or accidents, around 42 per year. That is a rise of 50 per cent on the years between January 2010 and December 2019, when 286 incidents were recorded in total, approximately 28 per year.

    Some of the incidents recorded since 2020 include a worker dropping plates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bug responsible for TB at a former Public Health England lab at Heartlands Hospital in Birmingham. At the same lab a worker was pricked with a needle containing HIV, human T-cell lymphotropic virus type 2, and Candida albicans.

    At other facilities, avian flu leaked from a cracked sample tube, an accident involving the bacteria responsible for life-threatening sepsis was recorded, and a worker was stabbed by a needle containing the Vaccinia virus, similar to smallpox.

    At another lab, workers “lost” a mouse that they had genetically modified.

    The Telegraph notes that not all incidents were disclosed because “some of the biological agents involved are listed in the Terrorism Act.”

    American molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright, who has been vocal regarding his opinion that the COVID pandemic was a gain of function lab leak, further highlighted several terrifying quotes from the Telegraph report:


  11. 前立腺がん手術受けたことも バイデン 知らなかったってよ
