







16 件のコメント:

  1. 癌(自立出来ない社会の底辺)


  2. Disclose.tv

    JUST IN - Kuwait's Emir Sheikh Nawaf al-Ahmad al-Sabah (86) has died. pic.twitter.com/RSpNBvhQ8l

    2023/12/16 18:54

  3. 中国の行き場を失ったフェンタニル…日本に入ってるんだろうな

    1. ワイもそう思たけど

  4. 病院・薬局で出される合法薬をやるか、街中の違法薬をやるかのちがい

  5. TV personality blames ‘anti-vaxxers’ for COVID bout | Frontline News
    December 15, 2023

    Piers Morgan Uncensored host Piers Morgan last week blamed “anti-vaxxers” after he contracted a “rough” COVID-19 infection, despite being vaccinated and boosted.

    “UPDATE: I’ve tested positive for Covid, and feel as rough as a badger’s a*se, but in the spirit of ‘The Show Must Go On’, I’m going to have a go at anchoring tonight’s @PiersUncensored⁩ live from my home. Tune in at 8pm, because anything could happen….” Morgan wrote on X.

    UPDATE: I’ve tested positive for Covid, and feel as rough as a badger’s a*se, but in the spirit of ‘The Show Must Go On’, I’m going to have a go at anchoring tonight’s @PiersUncensored⁩ live from my home. Tune in at 8pm, because anything could happen….
    2:09 AM · Dec 6, 2023

    X users pointed out the vaccine’s poor efficacy and challenged the talk show host for his extreme support for vaccines during the pandemic when he advocated for the unvaccinated to be denied health care.

    Some users asked Morgan why those who are vaccinated seem to contract COVID-19 at higher rates, to which Morgan replied that the unvaccinated are “incredibly stupid.”

    “I heard — from someone on the internet — it’s because Covid doesn’t infect incredibly stupid people due to the lack of available brain cells to infiltrate,” he wrote.

    Then, in response to a comment from influencer Andrew Tate, Morgan blamed “anti-vaxx imbeciles” for his decision not to get the latest booster shot, which he believed would protect him from COVID-19.

    “Thanks for your concern, Andrew. Ironically, if I’d had another covid booster I wouldn’t have caught the damn thing again and wouldn’t be feeling so rough. That’ll teach me for listening to ill-informed anti-vaxx imbeciles on the internet… !”

    The remarks came over a year after the former CNN host tried to walk back his hostile vitriol toward anyone who refused the shots. 
    “I’ve got no problem with those refusing to have the covid vaccines, so long as they have no problem with history recording them as selfish pr*cks who only cared about themselves in a global pandemic,” wrote Morgan in July 2021. 

    That same month, Morgan pushed for those who refused the shots to be denied health care. 

  6. 米国内の地球の癌対策っすか そっすかぁ

    困った困った、大変だ って口だけでやり過ごせばいいだけ

    1. アーミッシュで詰められてトラウマになってて草


    2. >日本も見習えDeathね、
      日本死ねとはw 本音丸出しじゃねーかw

  7. オピオイドをやるか、フェンタニルをやるか

  8. Senate Staffer Caught Making Gay Porn Video In Judiciary Hearing Room | ZeroHedge
    SUNDAY, DEC 17, 2023 - 05:35 AM

    Update (19:00 ET): According to a statement issued by the office of Maryland Democratic Senator Ben Cardin, "Aidan Maese-Czeropski is no longer employed by the U.S. Senate. We will have no further comment on this personnel matter.””
    * * *
    A Democratic Senate staffer shot a gay porn video in a Senate hearing room and posted it to a private group chat for homosexual men working in politics, according to various reports on Friday. The video was first obtained by Daily Caller, and social media pundits including Laura Loomer, say the staffer is Aidan Maese-Czeropski, a legislative aide to Democratic Maryland Senator Ben Cardin.

    The video shows a still-unidentified naked man on the receiving end of anal sex. The camera then reveals that he's positioned on the elevated dais used by senators in one of the largest and most familiar hearing rooms in the Capitol complex. From the reporting so far, it isn't clear who's playing which role in the video.  Daily Caller says Maese-Czeropski appears on all fours and gazes into the camera. 
    The Advocate reported that Capitol Police "are investigating reports of two men having sex in public on Capitol grounds." The LGBT news outlet also asked Cardin's office for comment. "We have seen media reports emanating from the right-wing media. As this is a personnel matter and under review, we will not be commenting further at this time," said a spokesperson.  

    While stopping short of explicitly admitting he's the one behind the video, Maese-Czeropski took to LinkedIn on Friday evening to say he was going through "a difficult time" as he is "attacked for who I love to pursue a political agenda." He assures readers that he "would never disrespect [his] workplace," and vaguely adds that he is exploring "legal options." 

    According to his LinkedIn profile, Maese-Czeropski attended high school in Palo Alto before studying at Johns Hopkins for two years and then graduating from Cal-Berkeley with a degree in "society and environment" in 2020. He's worked for the 80-year-old Cardin since 2020. 

    Eagle-eyed political observers say Maese-Czeropski has been featured in campaign videos for President Biden, including one that was tweeted with a message from Biden saying, "From the bottom of my heart: thank you."  

    The action reportedly took place in Hart 216, a room that's been used for many memorable hearings, from Supreme Court justice confirmations to the 9/11 Commission and former FBI director James Comey's testimony on Russiagate. It was most recently used this week by the Judiciary Committee for a hearing titled, "Cleaning Up the C-Suite: Ensuring Accountability Ensuring Accountability for Corporate Criminals." Speaking of clean-ups, we're guessing Hart 216 may get a little extra attention this weekend from Capitol Hill janitors.

    Believe it or not, this was the second controversy involving Maese-Czeropski in a single day. Earlier on Friday, Jewish Ohio Rep. Max Miller said Maese-Czeropski approached him and, "visibly shaking," said "free Palestine."
    In knee-jerk fashion, some condemned the remark as "antisemitic." However, Miller is an ardent supporter of Israel and defender of its intensely destructive assault on Gaza, to the extent of saying -- oddly using first-person plural -- that "we're gonna turn [Gaza] into a parking lot." 

    Maese-Czeropski denies saying anything to Miller. "As for the accusations regarding Congressman Max Miller, I have never seen the congressman and had no opportunity or cause to yell or confront him," wrote Maese-Czeropski in his Friday evening LinkedIn post. If that's true, it's a shame for Maese-Czeropski that's it's one impassioned Capitol Hill encounter that isn't on video.  
    Naturally, social media is having a field day...


  9. 厚生労働省
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    ○ がん自体が直接の原因となる痛みでは、オピオイド鎮痛薬を中 心とした薬物療法が基本となる。オピオイド鎮痛薬は、治療に伴 う痛みやそのほかの原因による痛みに対しても適応となる場合が ある。
    ○ がん疼痛は、がんの診断時に 20-50%、進行がん患者全体で は 70-80%の患者に存在する。痛みがあるがん患者の8割は、 身体の2カ所以上に痛みがあり、6割の患者の原因は複数である。
    ○ がん疼痛の痛みの評価では、患者の痛みの訴えを信じることが 基本である。
    ○ がん疼痛の問診では、痛みについて本人に尋ね、痛みの強さと 痛みの状況について把握し、患者の心理状態を理解することが重 要である。
    ○ がん疼痛の診察では、ていねいな理学的所見、必要な検査の実 施と自らの確認、薬物療法以外の方法の検討、開始された治療の 効果を継続的に評価することが基本である。
    ○ がん疼痛に対する薬物療法は、WHO 方式がん疼

  10. メリカの彼方此方で


    1. 東朝鮮のガン代表、また恥ずかしいマウントwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

    2. 団長のいう東朝鮮とネットゲリラ一味いう東朝鮮の意味が違う件w
