




ガン・ビジネス業界に最大の危機到来 「ガン治療は1年以内に確立する」イスラエルの研究者らが発表


新薬の開発を行うイスラエル企業『Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies(AEBi)』が新しいガン治療法を開発した。

A cure for cancer? Israeli scientists say they think they found one
“We believe we will offer in a year's time a complete cure for cancer."
By Maayan Jaffe-Hoffman
January 28, 2019 23:14

A small team of Israeli scientists think they might have found the first complete cure for cancer.


“We believe we will offer in a year’s time a complete cure for cancer,” said Dan Aridor, of a new treatment being developed by his company, Accelerated Evolution Biotechnologies Ltd. (AEBi), which was founded in 2000 in the ITEK incubator in the Weizmann Science Park. AEBi developed the SoAP platform, which provides functional leads to very difficult targets.
“Our cancer cure will be effective from day one, will last a duration of a few weeks and will have no or minimal side-effects at a much lower cost than most other treatments on the market,” Aridor said. “Our solution will be both generic and personal.”

It sounds fantastical, especially considering that an estimated 18.1 million new cancer cases are diagnosed worldwide each year, according to reports by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. Further, every sixth death in the world is due to cancer, making it the second leading cause of death (second only to cardiovascular disease).

Aridor, chairman of the board of AEBi and CEO Dr. Ilan Morad, say their treatment, which they call MuTaTo (multi-target toxin) is essentially on the scale of a cancer antibiotic – a disruption technology of the highest order.

The potentially game-changing anti-cancer drug is based on SoAP technology, which belongs to the phage display group of technologies. It involves the introduction of DNA coding for a protein, such as an antibody, into a bacteriophage – a virus that infects bacteria. That protein is then displayed on the surface of the phage. Researchers can use these protein-displaying phages to screen for interactions with other proteins, DNA sequences and small molecules.

In 2018, a team of scientists won the Nobel Prize for their work on phage display in the directed evolution of new proteins – in particular, for the production of antibody therapeutics.

AEBi is doing something similar but with peptides, compounds of two or more amino acids linked in a chain. According to Morad, peptides have several advantages over antibodies, including that they are smaller, cheaper, and easier to produce and regulate.

When the company first started, Morad said, “We were doing what everyone else was doing, trying to discover individual novel peptides for specific cancers.” But shortly thereafter, Morad and his colleague, Dr. Hanan Itzhaki, decided they wanted to do something bigger.

To get started, Morad said they had to identify why other cancer-killing drugs and treatments don’t work or eventually fail. Then, they found a way to counter that effect.

For starters, most anti-cancer drugs attack a specific target on or in the cancer cell, he explained. Inhibiting the target usually affects a physiological pathway that promotes cancer. Mutations in the targets – or downstream in their physiological pathways – could make the targets not relevant to the cancer nature of the cell, and hence the drug attacking it is rendered ineffective.

In contrast, MuTaTo is using a combination of several cancer-targeting peptides for each cancer cell at the same time, combined with a strong peptide toxin that would kill cancer cells specifically. By using at least three targeting peptides on the same structure with a strong toxin, Morad said, “we made sure that the treatment will not be affected by mutations; cancer cells can mutate in such a way that targeted receptors are dropped by the cancer.”

“The probability of having multiple mutations that would modify all targeted receptors simultaneously decreases dramatically with the number of targets used,” Morad continued. “Instead of attacking receptors one at a time, we attack receptors three at a time – not even cancer can mutate three receptors at the same time.”

Furthermore, many cancer cells activate detoxification mechanisms when in stress from drugs. The cells pump out the drugs or modify them to be non-functional. But Morad said detoxification takes time. When the toxin is strong, it has a high probability of killing the cancer cell before detoxification occurs, which is what he is banking on.

Many cytotoxic anticancer treatments aim at fast-growing cells. But cancer stem cells are not fast growing, and they can escape these treatments. Then, when the treatment is over, they can generate cancer again.

“If it does not completely annihilate the cancer, the remaining cells can start to get mutations again, and then the cancer comes back, but this time it is drug resistant,” Morad said.

He explained that because cancer cells are born out of mutations that occur in cancer stem cells, most of the overexpressed proteins which are targeted on the cancer cell exist in the cancer stem cells. MuTaTo’s multiple-target attack ensures that they will be destroyed as well.

Finally, some cancer tumors erect shields which create access problems to large molecules, such as antibodies. MuTaTo acts like an octopus or a piece of spaghetti and can sneak into places where other large molecules cannot reach. Morad said the peptide parts of MuTaTo are very small (12 amino acids long) and lack a rigid structure.

“This should make the whole molecule non-immunogenic in most cases and would enable repeated administration of the drug,” he said.

Morad said their discovery could also reduce the sickening side-effects of most cancer treatments, which stem from drug treatments interacting with the wrong or additional targets, or the correct targets but on non-cancerous cells. He said MuTaTo’s having a combination of several highly specific cancer-targeting peptides on one scaffold for each type of cancer cell would increase the specificity to the cancer cell due to the avidity effect. In addition, in most cases, the non-cancer cells that have a protein in common with the cancer cells do not overexpress it.

“This makes a great difference between the two kinds of cells and should decrease the side effects dramatically,” Morad said.

He equated the concept of MuTaTo to the triple drug cocktail that has helped change AIDS from being an automatic death sentence to a chronic – but often manageable – disease.

Today, AIDS patients take protease inhibitors in combination with two other drugs called reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The drug combination disrupts HIV at different stages in its replication, restrains an enzyme crucial to an early stage of HIV duplication and holds back another enzyme that functions near the end of the HIV replication process.

“We used to give AIDS patients several drugs, but we would administer them one at a time,” Morad explained. “During the course of treatment, the virus mutated, and the AIDS started attacking again. Only when patients started using a cocktail, were they able to stop the disease.”

Now, he said, people with AIDS are HIV carriers, but they are not sick anymore.

The MuTaTo cancer treatment will eventually be personalized. Each patient will provide a piece of his biopsy to the lab, which would then analyze it to know which receptors are overexpressed. The individual would then be administered exactly the molecule cocktail needed to cure his disease.
However, unlike in the case of AIDS, where patients must take the cocktail throughout their lives, in the case of MuTaTo, the cells would be killed, and the patient could likely stop treatment after only a few weeks.

The company is now writing patents on specific peptides, which will be a large bank of targeting toxin peptides wholly owned and hard to break, said Aridor.

Morad said that so far, the company has concluded its first exploratory mice experiment, which inhibited human cancer cell growth and had no effect at all on healthy mice cells, in addition to several in-vitro trials. AEBi is on the cusp of beginning a round of clinical trials which could be completed within a few years and would make the treatment available in specific cases.
Aridor added: “Our results are consistent and repeatable.”







A Year Ago, An Israeli Research Group Said They Would Cure Cancer Within A Year. Did They Do It?
Victoria Forster
Cancer research scientist and childhood cancer survivor.Follow

Jan 20, 2020,12:29pm EST

This article is more than 3 years old.

A year on, have the small Israeli research group cured cancer as they promised?GETTY

At the end of January last year, the internet was awash with a flurry of viral news stories promising the almost-impossible. Cancer was going to be cured. Within just one year, by a tiny Israeli biotechnology company. A true fairy tale of miracle-like proportions that was going to change the world. So, one year on, is cancer cured?


It would appear that it was all a PR stunt or perhaps (to be exceptionally kind) just blown out of proportion. After the original, uncritical article in the Jerusalem Post, other articles copying the unchecked information spread like wildfire on social media. As scientists, researchers, doctors, cancer organizations and a handful of reputable journalists, including myself, scrambled to douse the flames, a runaway train of shares, posts and retweets created a mushroom cloud of misinformation, perfectly analyzed here by HealthFeedback.org.

Oncologists on Twitter reported seeing patients who wanted to cancel their conventional treatments and go to Israel immediately for the new ‘cure.’ Except it didn’t exist as a cancer therapy ready for human trials then and seemingly, a year on, doesn't now either.

Dr J. Leonard Lichtenfeld M.D., deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society put out a statement at the time challenging the claims and has recently written his updated thoughts in a new blogpost.

“False promises of cancer cures have been around a long time. They have beguiled the public, given false hope to patients and their loved ones, and led patients to ineffective therapies. Right now, we cannot say for certain whether that’s the case here. What is certain is that the scientists who said they would have a cure for cancer in one year didn’t meet their goal. And that is not only a shame; it is chutzpah of the highest order,” he concluded in the post.

He is right. Cancer patients and their families were the main victims here. False hope is not good and it is not simply harmless for individuals with cancer and those who care for them. Some of the people who spent time trying to see if they could trial this new therapy, that was never going to be accessible to them, will since have died from their disease. That time could have been spent with loved ones. Stories like this also propagate the myth that there will be a single cure for cancer, which is harmful to patients, research and progress.

So have they done anything at all to reach their goal? Not obviously, no. But there has been some significant changes to parts of their website. I looked hoping to find some additions to the few graphs purporting to be ‘results’ supporting the therapy, but I can’t see anything new. A short PDF from May 2019 mainly discusses the theory behind the treatments and offers little-to-nothing in the way of new data.

I was also disappointed to see that my previous article was not included in their ‘links to media about us’ section. There were links to several articles on fairly obscure websites and YouTube videos from regional news channels promoting the claim, but it would seem that they simply did not see mine, or other less-complimentary articles published in Wired, Newsweek and a disappointingly small handful of other outlets.

Their ‘contact us’ section has had a couple of notable changes, however. A warning has appeared indicating that the therapy is not currently available for clinical trials in either Israel or anywhere in the world. This is accompanied by:

“Our team are research scientists (Ph.D.) and are not attending Dr.We are working now for the 19th year entering our 20th year of R&D effort (in June 2019). We don't have a Clinique and we can not advise nor refer to any specific case,”- source: AEBI website.

A snippet of information regarding the lack of clinical trials for the therapy next to the 'contact ... [+]HTTPS://WWW.AEBI-BIO.COM/

I can only presume that they weren’t really ready for an influx of emails from patients eager to try their therapy. The therapy which was not and is not ready for human clinical trials. Truly, it’s hard to tell whether it really exists or not, such is the complete dearth of information about it on the internet.

There is also a hefty disclaimer, which essentially reads as ‘we can predict whatever we want and it may never come true, but that’s not our fault and we don’t have to tell you what we have.’ Okay then.

“These declarations are based on estimates and assumptions by the Company that are subject to economic and competitive uncertainties beyond the control of the Company. The Company does not provide representation or warranty with regard to the declarations and there can be no assurance that the future results will be realized or that actual results will not be significantly different from those projected.” - an excerpt from the disclaimer at the bottom of the AEBI website.

So, they haven’t achieved their goals within a year as promised. A search for ‘MuTaTo,’ the proposed name of the therapy, on the clinical trials database ClinicalTrials.gov brings up no results. Both now and a year ago, I find myself questioning why a reputable group who truly did have the cure for cancer would do this? If they do, they are going to save a lot of people and make a ton of money. Why link to all of those articles on the website, why put that lengthy disclaimer? Why say its going to take a year when anyone even peripherally involved in cancer research or trials knows that a phase I human trial alone takes several years to plan and conduct. Why lie about all of these things?

Could they still do it? As a scientist who must accept nuance and probabilities in almost anything - yes, if you subscribe to the way of thinking that ‘nothing is impossible.’ Would I bet on it? No, not a single cent. Being struck by lightning, winning the lottery and being struck by meteorites are all things that do happen to people, albeit rarely. I’d rate the chances that AEBi have the universal cure for cancer smaller than being struck by lightning whilst simultaneously being hit by a meteorite, seconds after finding out you’ve won the lottery.


site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 地球の癌を治すワクチン
site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 地球の癌を治すワクチン
site://tokumei10.blogspot.com 地球の癌を治すワクチン


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Food and Drug Administration (.gov)
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Dec 11, 2020 — Today, the FDA issued the first emergency use authorization (EUA) ... The vaccine was 95% effective in preventing COVID-19 disease among these ...


「地鳴らし」 has Begun




12 件のコメント:

  1. 節子、それ普通のガンじゃない、地球のガンの治療や

  2. んんこは自分をんんことは知りません


  3. ガンが治る薬と



    1. バカが治る薬は実用化済。日本人は念入りに7回目の注入に入っている。

  4. がん治療で死んだら、がんで死んだことにすればいい、っていうのを世間が受け入れてるのが最大の原因。

  5. >もしそうなったら今上が全力プッシュしてるガン・ビジネス業界が


    1. 皇室メンバーも全員必要無くなりますw

    2. https://jyado.blogspot.com/2023/11/blog-post_96.html


  6. > 地球上の約八割の人間の癌は
    > 治らなくなりターボ化する



  7. >緊急認可されて
    その通りだとすると ほんとのことは未来永劫でてこないのでしょうね
    世界中巻き込んで有耶無耶にしようとしてるのか どれでしょうね

  8. キリストの聖地イメージを護るために必死ですな

  9. 予言て味わい深いw
