
発端は山崎さんのフレデリック・トーマス・リンウッド@173Drury Lane味の呪デスマフィンだゾ☆






Japanese still believe in Muffin Man LOL



なんかデスマフィン屋、近所ではヤバい人で ...
高評価 520+ 件 · 5 日前

なんかデスマフィン屋、近所ではヤバい人で有名だったらしくて「山崎さんとこのお菓子は買っちゃ駄目、と近所ではよく言われてました」というクチコミ ...

山崎視代佳が逃亡新たにデスマフィン専門店「蜂蜜×蜂蜜 接吻 ...
https://yume1117.com › 山崎視代佳

4 日前 — 山崎視代佳(やまざきみよか)さんがハニーハニーキスのなアカウントを削除し、返品などの受付を終了したことにより、新たに話題になつています。

https://hatchstudioinc.com › archives

2023/09/15 — この男『フレデリック・トーマス・リンウッド』としても知られるマフィンマンは、リンウッドの犯罪については数多くの証言があるが、あまり記録は残っ ...

1589年から1598年の間に 15人の子供と7人のライバルのパティシエを殺害した罪で告発された男だ。イギリスで初めて記録された連続殺人犯でもある。
この男『フレデリック・トーマス・リンウッド』としても知られるマフィンマンは、リンウッドの犯罪については数多くの証言があるが、あまり記録は残っておらず、あるいは歴史上最も不気味なミステリーの 1 つともされいる。

Frederic Thomas Lynwood (1563 - 1612) also known as the Muffin Man and The Drury Lane Dicer was England's first documented serial killer, accused of killing up to 15 children and seven rival pastry chefs during the years of 1589 to 1598.

His nickname The Muffin Man is actually a reference to how he committed the murders. By local folklore, it is said Frederic would tie a muffin to a string, and as a child tried to get it, he pulled the string, eventually luring the child to his house and giving him ample time to knock the child out with a wooden spoon. However, people often question whether these children actually died from being beaten with said wooden spoon or if the Muffin Man would kill them some other way.

Several years later, with dementia setting in, Frederic would set up shop again, though this time he would encounter even more anger for such pastries as "glazed pagan", "arsenic apple crisp", and "the flaming friar". However, he was able to stay in business with these pastries until his death several years later. He will be known in infamy because of his killings.

However, Frederic was also tired of other chefs in town. In total he killed seven rival pastry chefs:

  1. Chef Randall: Fucked to death
  2. Chef William: beaten with a chancla
  3. Chef Carver: Too much "BAM!" with a matchlock
  4. Chef George: Flattened with pin
  5. Chef David: Cooked to a golden brown
  6. Chef Aaron: Shaked and Baked
  7. Chef Adam: Killed with a Gomez Addams after tripping over a Pestle

he boiled people to death


Several years after being pummeled by an angry mob, Frederic would be eating his dinner, when he decides to smash a cockroach with his fork, only to hit his hand, causing him to scream and choke on a dumpling. Frederic's neighbor attempted to resuscitate him using leeches, but it was too late, he was already dead for several hours. His mother held a funeral service for him two days later.So he danced in hell with Satan

Post Mortem[edit]

Frederic was buried face down in a log under a former British church, which in 1987 was torn down to make way for a McDonalds. The McDonalds would later go out of business after an incident involving an Egg McMuffin. The franchise would be replaced by a department store, which would be mysteriously burnt down after the construction of a cookie shop. Currently the area where Frederic is buried has returned to an undeveloped lot, but it is expected to be the site of a stadium for the 2014 world cup should the UK be able to host it. However, rumour has it he has risen again as a zombie and created a terrorist organisation known as GBM which he will use to reek his revenge.

The Gingerbread Men are a race of terrorists who live to torture other living organisms. They were first designed out of 'Gingerbread' and try to increase their numbers by using a substance they call 'Icing'. This means that one Gingerbread Man can have an infinite number of children as they do not age. This also means that most of the Gingerbread Men population are incest. They are very protective over their Gumdrop Buttons. If you ever even touch one, you can consider yourself a dead man.

Political Beliefs[edit]

Gingerbread Men have very strong political beliefs. Currently, these are unknown, but they are rumoured Communism, Socialism and Capitalism. However, they seize control using force, as they have a giant army that can grow by the hour. Every Gingerbread Man fights, but they have their own hierarchy, and some are higher in the military than others. There are a number of Supreme Gingerbread Men, but the leader of all of them is unknown, however, strong rumours suggest that the main leader, creator or 'God' of the Gingerbread Men is the Muffin Man.
Terror Links[edit]

Gingerbread Men have be known to be linked to the Taliban and were rumoured to have been in contact with Saddan Hussein before he was executed. Apparantly, he gave them Weapons Of Mass Destruction to hide in order to make Tony Blair look foolish.
Gingerbread Men and 9/11[edit]

It was found under later investigation that the Gingerbread Men were the true culprits of the 9/11 Festival. Since then no-one has been able to trace them or contact them. It is believed they did this to make way for the Gingerbread House that they are planning to construct.

Global Plans[edit]

Gingerbread Men have successfully made themselves look innocent to the world by selling edible versions of their race in bakeries and supermarkets. These 'biscuits' have a sweet taste to them and come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Currently, they are developing biscuits that double as explosives. These are supposedly to help them achieve their ultimate goal of world domination. Another way they plan to complete this task is to infiltrate the media, which they have already done to an extent. Appearing in films like 'Shrek' they have managed to develop their false, innocent nature, but have proved how powerful they can become by creating a monster Gingerbread Man called 'Mungo'. They also once took George Bush hostage to try and bribe money out of the American government, but withdrew this plan as they realised what a dickhead he was and that no-one cared much about him. There next target could either The Queen, Oscar Wilde or Robert Mugabe.
Current Operations[edit]

The Gingerbread Men have declared war on all of the Western World (apart from Luxembourg and Belgium) but are currently in hiding due to a new type of British weapon code named 'Fox Patrol'. They're edible counterparts are being shipped to supermarkets and other various shops but the current where abouts of the true race of Gingerbread Men is unknown.

The gingerbread men have taken over parts of the netherlands and are in war with the communist hamsters of the albert heijn.
Trivia[edit]Gingerbread Men fear water and foxes but not both at the same time.
Gingerbread Women did exist commonly at one point but are now rare and only found in certain parts of the world was Gingerbread Men can mate with themselves.
Aswell as reproducing Gingerbread Men, Icing can also be used as sun tan lotion, anti agent and web fluid.
The Gingerbread Men once fought the Power Rangers. They won with ease and took all of them prisoner. They have never been seen since.

Store Highlight: 173 Drury Lane | Stories
https://www.sainsburyarchive.org.uk › story › store-hi...

This was Sainsbury's first shop opened by John James and Mary Ann Sainsbury. The shop continued to trade until 1958. The people on the photograph have been ...

London: Drury Lane (173); 1869-1958
Sainsbury Archive
https://www.sainsburyarchive.org.uk › branch › ref

Photograph showing the exterior of the Sainsbury's branch at 173 Drury Lane in Holborn, London. This was Sainsbury's first shop opened by John James...

Alan Sainsbury, Baron Sainsbury
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Alan_Sainsbury,_Bar...

When the original shop at 173 Drury Lane later closed, the manager, Mr Pawsey, handed Alan Sainsbury the key, saying, 'Your grandfather opened this shop, and I ...



Educated at Haileybury College, Alan joined Sainsbury's in 1921 aged 17, the same year his youngest uncle, Paul Sainsbury, joined the family firm. He began his career working alongside his uncles as a buyer. He became a director of the Company, then known as J. Sainsbury Ltd., in 1933 and became joint managing director of Sainsbury's with his brother Robert Sainsbury in 1938 after his father, John Benjamin Sainsbury (the eldest son of Sainsbury's founder John James Sainsbury), had a minor heart attack. He was always known to the Sainsbury's workforce as 'Mr Alan'.[4]

Model United Nations[edit]

Haileybury hosts its own Model United Nations Conference every year,[4] for over a thousand pupils, making it largest MUN conference in the UK.[5] The conference is typically held the weekend before the Easter holiday.
The Haileybury campus originally belonged to, and was occupied by, the East India College (EIC), the training establishment founded in 1806 for administrators of the East India Company. The EIC was initially based at Hertford Castle, but substantial grounds in Hertford Heath were acquired for future development. William Wilkins, the architect of Downing College, Cambridge, and the National Gallery in London, was appointed principal architect. The buildings compose four ranges which enclose an area known as Quad, the second-largest academic quadrangle in Britain after Christ Church, Oxford.[6]

Model United Nations, also known as Model UN or MUN, is an educational simulation in which students learn about diplomacyinternational relations, and the United Nations

On 25 April 2007, Delta Two, a Qatari investment company, bought a 14% stake in Sainsbury's causing its share price to rise 7.17%, and then increased its holding to 17.6%. Their interest in Sainsbury's is thought to centre on its property portfolio. They increased their stake to 25% in June 2007.

http://tokumei10.blogspot.com › bl...

Jun 15, 2017 — Mozah married Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani in 1977, when he was heir apparent of Qatar. ... The Sainsbury Family. 2005, Aga Khan. 2005, The Cadbury ...




Carnegie Medal of Philanthropy


2001Walter Annenberg
2001Leonore Annenberg
2001Brooke Astor
2001Irene Diamond
2001The Gates Family
2001The Rockefeller Family
2001George Soros
2001Ted Turner
2003Kazuo Inamori
2003The Sainsbury Family
2005Aga Khan
2005The Cadbury Family
2005Tom Farmer
2005Agnes Gund
2005The Hewlett Family
2005The Packard Family
2007Eli Broad
2007The Heinz Family
2007The Mellon Family
2007The Tata Family
2009Michael R. Bloomberg
2009The Koç Family
2009Betty Moore
2009Gordon Moore
2009Joan Weill
2009Sanford Weill[1]
2011The Crown Family
2011The Danforth Family
2011Fiona Druckenmiller
2011Stanley Druckenmiller
2011Fred Kavli
2011Evelyn Lauder
2011Leonard Lauder
2011Jo Carole Lauder
2011Ronald Lauder
2011Li Ka-shing
2011Pamela Omidyar
2011Pierre Omidyar
2011The Pew Family
2011The Pritzker Family
2013Mozah bint Nasser Al Missned
2013Tom Hunter
2013James Harris Simons
2013Marilyn Simons
2013Dmitry Zimin
2013Janet Wolfson de Botton [2]
2015Paul G. Allen
2015Charles F. Feeney
2015Jeremy and Hanne Grantham
2015The Haas Family
2015Joan and Irwin Jacobs
2015Jon M. Huntsman, Sr.
2015Robert B. Menschel and Richard L. Menschel
2015David M. Rubenstein

Chatham House Prize

2005President Viktor Yushchenko[30] Ukraine
2006President Joaquim Chissano[30] Mozambique
2007Sheikha Mozah Al Missned[30] Qatar
2008President John Kufuor[30] Ghana
2009President Lula da Silva[31] Brazil
2010President Abdullah Gül[32] Turkey
2011Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi[33] Myanmar
2012President Moncef Marzouki and Rached Ghannouchi[30] Tunisia
2013Secretary of State Hillary Clinton[34] United States
2014Co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation Melinda French Gates[35] United States
2015Médecins Sans Frontières [36]  Switzerland
2016Minister of Foreign Affairs Mohammad Javad Zarif[37] Iran
Secretary of State John Kerry[37] United States

The Order of Isabella the Catholic (SpanishOrden de Isabel la Católica) is a Spanish civil order in which membership is granted in recognition of services that benefit the country. The Order is not open to Spaniards exclusively, and it has been used to award many foreigners.
The Order was created on 14 March 1815 by King Ferdinand VII in honor of Queen Isabella I with the name of "Royal and American Order of Isabella the Catholic"[1] with the intent of "rewarding the firm allegiance to Spain and the merits of Spanish citizens and foreigners in good standing with the Nation and especially in those exceptional services provided in pursuit of territories in America and overseas."[2] The Order was reorganized by royal decree on 26 July 1847, as the modern "Royal Order of Isabella the Catholic" with a broader focus than the Americas.














安心しろ!Satoさん!パレスチナ(Sinners on the Left@五芒星)とイスラエル(Sinners on the Right@六芒星)は両者ともEternal Damnation in Hellだゾ☆



6 件のコメント:

  1. > 視代佳


  2. >XOXO
    スラング ハグとキス ゴシップガールでもみてたのか


    1. XO醤とかあったなと

  3. なんか



  4. 情報てんこもりde


