


Use during Operation Protective Edge

During Operation Protective Edge in 2014, the hospital was described by The Washington Post as being a "de facto headquarters for Hamas leaders, who can be seen in the hallways and offices."[3]

Amnesty International documented how the Hamas forces misused a clinic in the hospital to abduct, torture, and kill members of their Palestinian opposition under an operation codenamed “Strangling Necks”.[4]

Reporting from the Gaza hospital to the Finnish newspaper Helsingin Sanomat, Aishi Zidan reported that a rocket was fired from the area of the hospital. This was seized upon by the Israeli press, prompting the journalist to take to Facebook to note that her words had been taken out of context and used as propaganda, and that the rocket had actually been fired from "somewhere behind the hospital".[24]

Wall Street Journal correspondent Nick Casey tweeted a photo of Hamas MP and media spokesperson Mushir Al Masri using the outside of Shifa hospital for media interviews, but then later deleted it.[25][26]

Norwegian doctor Mads Gilbert rejected that the hospital was used a base by Hamas officials or militants.[27] Israeli authorities subsequently accused Dr. Gilbert of facilitating propaganda for Hamas.[28]

Main article: 2023 Israel–Hamas war

During the 2023 Israel–Hamas war, al-Shifa Hospital was overwhelmed with wounded and dying people, and was running short on fuel, beds, and medical supplies.[29]

The bombardment of nearby regions has pushed the hospital beyond its capacity to treat wounded people and it is close to collapse.[30] The hospital is also housing thousands of displaced Palestinians seeking shelter from airstrikes during the war.[31]

On 27 October, the IDF claimed that there was a Hamas headquarters lying underground beneath the hospital,[32][33] but Hamas denied these claims.[34][35]





Rania Al Abdullah[1] (Arabic: رانيا العبد الله, Rāniyā al-ʻAbd Allāh; born Rania Al-Yassin, 31 August 1970) is Queen of Jordan as the wife of King Abdullah II.

Forbes magazine has ranked Rania as one of the world's 100 most powerful women.[2]
Early and personal life[edit]

Rania Al-Yassin was born on 31 August 1970 in Kuwait, to Palestinian parents.[3] Her father, Faisal Al-Yassin [ar] (1934–2022) was from Tulkarm in the West Bank.[4] She also has Turkish roots on her maternal grandfather's side.[3] Rania received a degree in business administration from the American University in Cairo. Upon her graduation, she worked briefly in marketing for Citibank, followed by a job with Apple Inc. in Amman, Jordan.[5

Sheikh Ahmed Ismail Hassan Yassin (Arabicالشيخ أحمد إسماعيل حسن ياسين; June 1936 – 22 March 2004)[2] was a Palestinian politician and imam who founded Hamas, a militant Islamist and Palestinian nationalist organization in the Gaza Strip, in 1987.[3][4][5][6][7] He served as the organization's spiritual leader after its founding.

Yassin, a quadriplegic who was nearly blind, had been reliant on a wheelchair due to a sporting accident at the age of 12.[8] In 2004, he was killed when an Israeli helicopter gunship fired a missile at him as he was being wheeled from Fajr prayer in Gaza City.[9] The attack, which also killed both of his bodyguards and nine bystanders, was internationally condemned.[9] 200,000 Palestinians attended his funeral procession in Gaza.[10]

Early life

Ahmed Yassin was born in al-Jura, a small village near the city of Ashkelon, in the British Mandate of Palestine.[1] His date of birth is not known for certain: according to his Palestinian passport, he was born on 1 January 1929, but he claimed to have actually been born in the summer of 1936. His father, Abdullah Yassin, died when he was three years old. Afterward, he became known in his neighborhood as Ahmad Sa'ada after his mother Sa'ada al-Habeel. This was to differentiate him from the children of his father's other three wives. Together, Yassin had four brothers and two sisters. He and his entire family fled to Gaza, settling in al-Shati Camp after his village was ethnically cleansed[11] by the Israel Defense Forces during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[9][12]






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