
Hindoo Fakir by Thomas Edison

The World's First "Yoga" Film

Thomas Edison's 1902 trick film, "Hindoo Fakir," depicts an Indian fakir-yogi performing a magic act. (02:51)

Hindoo Fakir
Edison Manufacturing Company, United States, 1902
Film, transferred to DVD, 3 minutes
General Collections, Library of Congress, Washington DC NV-061-499

In 1902, the fabled powers of yogis met the magic of movies when Thomas Edison filmed the stage act of an Indian magician. The first movie ever made on “India,” Hindoo Fakir brought the already interwoven stereotypes of charlatan yogi and mystic East into the realm of cinema.

The star of the film on is likely A. N. Dutt, a Bengali who, like other magicians of the time, took on the persona of a fakir-yogi. If all films are documentaries in that they reflect the tastes and prejudices of their times, Hindoo Fakir fits the bill in a number of ways. It delights in showing off the new illusions that cinema could create, documents one of the most popular magicians of the period, and revels in the iconography of mystic India.



the guy who turned on our lights




2:29 P.M. CST The Union Pacific Railroad — when I was in Pittsburgh, I — I met the folks who run that.  Union Pacific Railroad just announced the purchase of the largest-ever purchase of electric locomotives made in Erie, Pennsylvania.  And in the same plant, by the way, that the guy who turned on our lights built a factory. 

All told, we’ve created 369,000 new manufacturing jobs in America just last year.  (Applause.)

6 hours ago — TRANSCRIPT: BIDEN: "Union Pacific Railroad just announced the purchase, the largest ever purchase of electric locomotives made in Erie, Pennsylvania.
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12 hours ago — Joey is obsessed with bridges. President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden are visiting the “deteriorated” Blatnik bridge today, which ...
11 hours ago — Is Biden talking about Thomas Edison? Because he told us Edison didn't invent the lightbulb.





"the man who would cure the world"になりましたしねえ・・・


期待の反GOD派超エリート、ポール・エドワード・ファーマーがSudden Death汁★になりファウチやビルゲイツや元世界銀行頭取なみだ目!

"the man who Sold the world"も・・・



... 日本人初のウクライナ国立農業科学アカデミー外国人会員に選出された。 また、発明王トーマスエジソン唯一の日本人助手であった岡部芳郎の孫としても知られる。







岡部 芳郎(おかべ よしろう、1884年4月9日 - 1945年3月17日)は、日本映画技師トーマス・エジソン唯一の日本人助手。













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トーマス・ジェローム・ニュートンこと『地球に落ちて来た男』The Man Who Fell to EarthとLazarus


Bill Haley & His Comets were an American rock and roll band, founded in 1952 and continued until Haley's death in 1981. The band was also known as Bill Haley and the Comets and Bill Haley's Comets (and variations thereof). From late 1954 to late 1956, the group placed nine singles in the Top 20, one of those a number one and three more in the Top Ten. The single "Rock Around the Clock" became the biggest selling rock and roll single in the history of the genre and retained that position for some years.[1]

Bandleader Bill Haley had previously been a country music performer; after recording a country and western-styled version of Jackie Brenston and his Delta Cats "Rocket 88", a rhythm and blues song, he changed musical direction to a new sound which came to be called rock and roll.

Though the group was considered to be at the forefront of rock and roll during the genre's formative years, the arrival of more risqué acts such as Elvis Presley and Little Richard by 1956 led the more clean-cut Haley and his Comets to decline in popularity. Haley would remain popular in Europe and go on to have a comeback as a nostalgia act in the 1970s, along with many of his contemporaries. Following Haley's death, no fewer than seven different groups have existed under the Comets name, all claiming (with varying degrees of authority) to be the continuation of Haley's group. As of the end of 2014, four such groups were still performing in the United States and internationally. 

 William John Clifton Haley (/ˈhli/; July 6, 1925 – February 9, 1981) was a pioneering American rock and roll musician. He is credited by many with first popularizing this form of music in the early 1950s with his group Bill Haley & His Comets and million-selling hits such as "Rock Around the Clock", "See You Later, Alligator", "Shake, Rattle and Roll", "Rocket 88", "Skinny Minnie", and "Razzle Dazzle". His recordings have sold over 60 million records worldwide.[1][2]

Halley's Comet or Comet Halley, officially designated 1P/Halley,[2] is a short-period comet visible from Earth every 75–76 years.[2][10][11][12] Halley is the only known short-period comet that is regularly visible to the naked eye from Earth, and thus the only naked-eye comet that can appear twice in a human lifetime.[13] Halley last appeared in the inner parts of the Solar System in 1986 and will next appear in mid-2061.[14]

Halley's periodic returns to the inner Solar System have been observed and recorded by astronomers around the world since at least 240 BC. But it was not until 1705 that the English astronomer Edmond Halley understood that these appearances were reappearances of the same comet. As a result of this discovery, the comet is now named after Halley.[15]

During its 1986 apparition, Halley's Comet became the first comet to be observed in detail by spacecraft, providing the first observational data on the structure of a comet nucleus and the mechanism of coma and tail formation.[16][17] These observations supported a number of longstanding hypotheses about comet construction, particularly Fred Whipple's "dirty snowball" model, which correctly predicted that Halley would be composed of a mixture of volatile ices—such as watercarbon dioxideammonia, and dust. The missions also provided data that substantially reformed and reconfigured these ideas; for instance, it is now understood that the surface of Halley is largely composed of dusty, non-volatile materials, and that only a small portion of it is icy. 


→Oct 14,2021

「バイユーのタペストリー」のなぞなぞ。 不吉な彗星

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2017/07/22 — バイユーのタペストリー. ... A section of the Bayeux Tapestry has been unveiled at Tonbridge Castle By Will Harrison | Posted: July 14, 2017

2020/12/28 — ノルマン人の英征服を描く驚きの刺繍絵、バイユーのタペストリー ... 糸が縫い付けられた長さ約70メートルの亜麻布、「バイユーのタペストリー」だ。
2019/06/06 — 2018/01/17 - Emmanuel Macron 'agrees to loan Bayeux Tapestry to Britain' French president to allow artefact to leave the country for first time ...
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バイユーのタペストリー」@トンブリッジ城 via kwout · http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2017/07/a- · A stolen Royal Mail van from Sovereign Way, Tonbridge via ...
2018/01/29 — バイユーのタペストリー」と「ロゼッタ・ストーン」 via kwout. http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2018/01/blog-. 「バイユーのタペストリー」 ...
2018/02/18 — バイユーのタペストリー」と「ロゼッタ・ストーン」 via kwout. http://tokumei10.blogspot.com/2018/01/tpp. トランプ大統領、TPPとパリ協定復帰 ...
バイユーのタペストリー」と「ロゼッタ・ストーン」 - 匿名党 ... The Bayeux Tapestry will be loaned to Britain after the French president agreed to .
2014/11/27 — The Bayeux Tapestry - Reading Museum Harold swears a solemn oath on holy relics in front of William before setting sail for England.

『地球に落ちて来た男』(ちきゅうにおちてきたおとこ、原題:The Man Who Fell to Earth)は、1976年制作のイギリスSF映画



人間に似た姿の宇宙人が乗る宇宙船が、地球からはるか離れた惑星から飛来して、ニューメキシコ州の湖に不時着する。地球人と変わらない服装・容姿をしており、見た目では宇宙人とは分からない。彼は不時着後、近くの古物商に彼のイニシャル”T.J.N.”の刻印された指輪を売る。その際、身分証明としてトーマス・ジェローム・ニュートンと記載されたイギリスのパスポートを見せる。川辺に来たトミー(トーマス・ジェローム・ニュートン)は、コップに1杯川の水を汲み、乾きを潤すように飲み干す。身なりを整えたトミーは、特許に明るい弁護士オリバー・ファーンズワースを訪ね、9つの根本的な特許を元に複合企業体World Enterprises(W.E.社)を立ち上げ、彼を社長に据える。ほどなくしてトミーは巨万の富を得る。







The Man Who Fell to Earth is a 1963 science fiction novel by American author Walter Tevis, about an extraterrestrial who lands on Earth seeking a way to ferry his people to Earth from his home planet, which is suffering from a severe drought. The novel served as the basis for the 1976 film by Nicolas Roeg as well as a 1987 television adaptation and an upcoming television series. 

Thomas Jerome Newton is a humanoid alien who comes to Earth seeking to construct a spaceship to ferry others from his home planet, Anthea, to Earth. Anthea is experiencing a terrible drought after many nuclear wars, and the population has dwindled to fewer than 300. Their own starships are unusable for lack of fuel and 500 years of neglect. The Antheans have no water, an abundance of food that is slowly dwindling, and feeble solar power. Like all Antheans, Newton is super-intelligent, but he has been selected for this mission because he has the physical strength necessary to function in Earth's hotter climate and higher gravity.

Arriving at Earth in a lifeboat, Newton first lands in the state of Kentucky. He quickly becomes familiar with the environment and forms a plan. Using advanced technology from his home planet, Newton patents many inventions, and amasses incredible wealth as the head of a technology-based conglomerate. He plans to use this wealth to construct space vehicles for the rest of the Anthean population.

Along the way he meets Betty Jo, who falls in love with him. He does not return these feelings, but takes her and his curious fuel-technician Nathan Bryce as his friends, while he runs his company in the shadows. Betty Jo introduces Newton to many Earth customs, such as church, fashion, and alcohol. However, his appetite for alcohol soon leads to problems, as he begins to experience intense emotions unfamiliar to Antheans.

Eventually, Newton's alien nature is discovered by Nathan Bryce, and it comes as a relief to Newton to be able to reveal his secret to someone. He expresses the hope that the Antheans he will ferry to Earth will flourish and use their superior intelligence to help Earth achieve peace, prosperity, and safety.

However, the CIA arrests Newton, having followed him since his appearance on Earth and having recorded this private conversation with Bryce. They submit him to rigorous tests and analysis, resulting in conclusive evidence of his alien identity, but decide not to release the results for fear they would simply not be believed, and possibly even embarrass the government. Newton is released, but is immediately arrested by the FBI, which begins its own examinations. Their final examination is an X-ray of Newton's skull, through his eyes. Newton, whose eyes are sensitive to X-rays, is unable to stop them and is blinded. The story of Newton's blinding becomes a public scandal, but he does not pursue retaliation against the government and is left alone in turn.

Newton, speaking to Bryce for the last time, explains bitterly that he is unable to continue his spaceship project because of his blindness and because of planetary alignments which have changed during his captivity. He records a message which he hopes to broadcast via radio to his home planet. Bryce leaves Newton to drink alone.

Critical reception

James Sallis declared that The Man Who Fell to Earth was "among the finest science fiction novels," saying "Just beneath the surface it might be read as a parable of the Fifties and of the Cold War. Beneath that as an evocation of existential loneliness, a Christian fable, a parable of the artist. Above all, perhaps, as the wisest, truest representation of alcoholism ever written."[1]

Lazarus is a musical with music and lyrics composed by David Bowie, and a book written by Enda Walsh. First performed at the end of 2015, it was one of the last works Bowie completed before his death on 10 January 2016. The musical is inspired by the 1963 novel The Man Who Fell to Earth by Walter Tevis. Bowie previously starred in the 1976 film adaptation of the same name, directed by Nicolas Roeg.

As of December 2018 there have been seven productions: one each in New York, London, Bremen, Düsseldorf, Vienna, Linz and Hamburg. Further productions are planned for Aarhus, Nuremberg, Leipzig, Amsterdam, Bielefeld, Göttingen, Melbourne, Wroclaw, Oslo, Bergen[1],Tel-Aviv and Prague. 

Thomas Jerome Newton, an alcoholic alien who's desperate to return to his home planet.

Elly, Newton's personal assistant who eventually falls in love with him.

Girl/Marley, an ethereal teenage girl who promises to help Newton return home.

Valentine, a sinister figure who haunts Newton.


New York production

The musical was staged for a limited run at New York Theatre Workshop in Manhattan, directed by Ivo van Hove.[2][3] Henry Hey, who previously played keyboards on Bowie's 2013 album The Next Day, served as musical director and arranger/orchestrator for the production and worked closely with Bowie during its development.[4] Like Bowie's contemporary album Blackstar (with which it shares the song "Lazarus"),[5] much of the production of the musical was kept secret until its first preview in November 2015. The musical opened on 7 December 2015[6] with a planned run through 17 January 2016,[7] although the production was extended to 20 January 2016.[8] Tickets to the entire run of the musical sold out within hours of being made available.[9]


EXCLUSIVE: Ringo Starr, 81, looks trendy as ever in round shades made famous by his late bandmate John Lennon as he heads to a meeting days after his Bond girl wife Barbara Bach was seen strolling in Los Angeles

  • DailyMail.com spotted Ringo Starr, 81, stepping out for a business meeting in West Hollywood
  • The Beatles legend, real name Richard Starkey, went to his meeting wearing shades, a white denim jacket, track pants and sneakers
  • He wore round dark sunglasses in the same shape as those made famous by John Lennon
  • He's been promoting his new picture book titled, 'Lifted: Fab Images and Memories in My Life with the Beatles from Across the Universe' 
  • Just days earlier, DailyMail.com caught up with Ringo's equally private former Bond girl wife Barbara Bach, 74

 Starkey attended St Silas, a Church of England primary school near his house where his classmates nicknamed him "Lazarus", and later Dingle Vale Secondary modern school, where he showed an aptitude for art and drama, as well as practical subjects including mechanics.[24] As a result of the prolonged hospitalisations, he fell behind his peers scholastically and was ineligible for the 11-plus qualifying examination required for attendance at a grammar school.[25] On 17 April 1954, Starkey's mother married Harry Graves at the register office on Mount Pleasant, Liverpool.[26] He was an ex-Londoner who had moved to Liverpool following the failure of his first marriage. Graves, an impassioned fan of big band music and their vocalists, introduced Starkey to recordings by Dinah ShoreSarah Vaughan and Billy Daniels.[27] Graves stated that he and "Ritchie" never had an unpleasant exchange between them; Starkey later commented: "He was great ... I learned gentleness from Harry."[28] After the extended hospital stay following Starkey's recovery from tuberculosis, he did not return to school, preferring instead to stay at home and listen to music while playing along by beating biscuit tins with sticks.[29]

Paddington Bear series — He is best known for a series of fictional stories for children, featuring the character of Paddington Bear. More than 35 million ...

Nicholas Charles Dingley (2 December 1960 – 8 December 1984), better known by his stage name Razzle, was the English drummer of Finnish glam rock band Hanoi Rocks from 1982 until his death. 

Born in Royal Leamington Spa, England, to a young single mother, Patricia Ingram, who decided to give up her child for adoption.[citation needed] He was adopted by Henry and Irene Dingley. The family's only child, he grew up in Coventry, after which the family moved to the village of Binstead, Isle of Wight.[citation needed]

Prior to joining Hanoi Rocks, Razzle started playing in local Binstead small ensembles, one of which was called Thin Red Line. In 1980 he moved to London, where he played in several punk rock bands. Also, he joined Demon Preacher (featuring Nik Wade, later of Alien Sex Fiend), The Fuck Pigs and The Dark, with whom he released one EP The Living End Live in 1981, which was recorded at the band's last gig in London's 100 Club which, in his own words, was heavy punk, almost heavy metal.

Hanoi Rocks

Razzle collaborated with Hanoi Rocks for the first time on Sounds magazine pages. After seeing the band performing at the Zig-Zag Club, Razzle was convinced that this was a band he would definitely join. He came backstage and asked to be the band's drummer. Gyp Casino, who was the band's current drummer, was fired for his addiction, depression, and suicidal thoughts, and Razzle was hired. Although Razzle has already appeared on the Self Destruction Blues album cover, he didn't record anything on the record.

He became an important element of Hanoi Rocks, due to his repartee and an ability to find a way out of difficult times and problems between members. Having a perpetual sense of humour, charismatic Razzle was able to crack a joke in any situation.

In 1983, Sami Yaffa disclosed that he and Razzle were planning to leave the band, citing Andy McCoy's insufferable behaviour as the main cause.[1]


In late 1984, Hanoi Rocks were on their first American tour. Frontman Michael Monroe fractured his ankle, so the band had to skip a few gigs and take a break. During that break, Mötley Crüe's singer Vince Neil invited the band to visit his home in Redondo Beach, California.

On 8 December, Hanoi Rocks band members were partying with Mötley Crüe at lead singer Vince Neil's house. The party stopped when everybody noticed they were out of beer. Neil and Razzle, both drunk, went to a nearby liquor store in Neil's De Tomaso Pantera, with Neil driving. On the way back, they crashed into another car. Razzle was rushed to the hospital and pronounced dead at 7:12 p.m.; he had died instantly in the collision.[2]

Both occupants of the other car were seriously injured, sustaining brain damage as a result of the crash. Vince Neil was charged with vehicular manslaughter and driving under the influence of alcohol in connection with the crash. His blood alcohol content was 0.17, well above the California legal limit at that time of 0.10. In September 1985, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Edward Hinz, Jr., sentenced Neil to 30 days in jail and five years probation. [3][4]

Andy McCoy and Mötley Crüe drummer Tommy Lee went looking for Neil and Razzle. They drove by the crash site and saw Neil handcuffed and put into a police car. They were informed that Razzle had been taken to a hospital where he was pronounced dead. McCoy informed the band's manager Seppo Vesterinen, who then told the rest of the band.

He was buried at Holy Cross Church in Binstead, on the Isle of Wight in 1984.

Neil dedicated Theatre of PainMötley Crüe's third studio album, to Razzle. In 2015 Neil admitted to Ultimate Classic Rock that he wrote a check for $2.5 million to the courts, so he only ever served 19 days of a 30-day sentence for the reckless death.[5]

Neil's account of this event, while contradictory to witnesses accounts, is documented in Mötley Crüe's 2001 autobiography The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock BandMax Milner portrayed Razzle in the 2019 film adaptation


Sex,Drugs & Rock'n Roll + Alcohol とロケットマンとパナマ文書


おいらみたいにりあるロンドンでSex,Drugs & Rock'n Roll + Alcohol におぼれてたろけんろーらーじゃないと分からん話なんですよ。(爆wwwww

"Rocket Man" (officially titled "Rocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time)") is a song composed by Elton John and Bernie Taupin and originally performed by John. The song first appeared on John's 1972 album Honky Château and became a hit single, rising to No. 2 in the UK and No. 6 in the US. On 21 October 2016, the song was certified Silver by the British Phonographic Industry for sales of 200,000 digital downloads.
Rolling Stone lists it as No. 245 of its 500 greatest songs of all time.
Song informationThe song was inspired by the short story "The Rocket Man" in The Illustrated Man by Ray Bradbury, and echoes the theme of David Bowie's 1969 song "Space Oddity" (both recordings were produced by Gus Dudgeon). But according to an account in Elizabeth Rosenthal's book His Song: The Musical Journey of Elton John, the song was inspired by Taupin's sighting of either a shooting star or a distant aeroplane.




Lizard Squad @Finland

そう言えば昔、マイケル・モンローの女バーションみたいなフィンランド人でヒットラーユルゲントの末裔のまだ十代で7ヶ国語がパーフェクトな金髪碧眼のねーちゃんに遺伝子を採取されたことがあったなあSex Drugs & Rock n’Roll!(爆wwwwwwww




2018/01/29 — マタイによる福音書によれば、博士たちは星の出現に霊感を受けて「東方」からエルサレムまで旅をした。 ISTI MIRANT STELLA.


11 件のコメント:

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  2. 2021年の夏辺りからの読者です。こちらの読者にもなります!

  3. 最近自分の無知さを悔い英語を勉強し直しはじめましたw

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  5. 引き続きよろしくお願いいたします。

  6. 今後も末席から拝読させていただきます。



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  8. 発明は往々にして(いつも?)降ってきますね。
